Inappropriate messages in fake profile posts.

AHBD Sicko
I've noticed for quite a while now profile posts, mostly not in English, but with at least one or 2 words in English indicating inappropriate content and websites for this sub . I hope someone can keep tabs on these so that a user here doesn't accidentally or purposely click on this spam. Thanks to anyone who can get on top of these !

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I've noticed for quite a while now profile posts, mostly not in English, but with at least one or 2 words in English indicating inappropriate content and websites for this sub . I hope someone can keep tabs on these so that a user here doesn't accidentally or purposely click on this spam. Thanks to anyone who can get on top of these !
I always report them asap when I see them, it's been a lil bit since I've seen one, I think they do get pulled down pretty quickly

AHBD Sicko
Original Poster
Yes I have reported various ones as well and they get taken care of but other times they linger there. So I posted this as a head's up + keep a look out sort of thing.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Yes I have reported various ones as well and they get taken care of but other times they linger there. So I posted this as a head's up + keep a look out sort of thing.
I suggested spamming them back once ..... I got scolded lol 😆
But he was right, that was a bad suggestion 😁
Last edited:

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
The reports are very helpful for flagging these. The new anti-spam features on the site are vastly improved, but not perfect or fully automated. Please keep reporting anything you see that is inapprorpiate so it can be reviewed by the mods and cleaned up as quickly as possible.

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
If they get reported, we usually take care of them within a day. If you do see any that you reported and didn't get taken care of, feel free to also PM me.

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