Impaction from a Salad

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Mav ate like 20 crickets, and had a bowl of salad yesterday. He pooped today, but its all deformed and runny with like water in it. And he is kinda lethargic too.the temps are alright. Bask at 105 and cool at 85. Is he alright or am I just over reacting?


Sub-Adult Member
By deformed what do you mean?

It is normal to have water with it, this is a good sign of being well hydrated. As for his being lathargic, could he be getting ready to brumate?

Also if he is impacted, which if he's had a poo, i wouldn't think he was, then it definately could not come from a salad, an impaction is because of a hard or large mass not being able to pass through the digestion tract.

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