"I'll Save You Ma!" Kisa Vs Terrible Shirt Dragon - Hilariou

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Well today my male dragon Kisa thought his poor Mom was being attacked by a horrible "Shirt Dragon" He came flying out of his tank and didn't waste a second to latch onto the 'offending' attacker and show him who was boss! I just can't stop laughing at what he did, he was so bad he was all puffed up and had a black beard like no tomorrow and this male dose NOT normally get a black beard even when breeding so he was mad!






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:laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard:
Thats just too funny.Looks like you have a pretty ferocious guard dragon on your hands :wink:


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:laughhard: Hahaha Yes I do I don't need to worry about getting a dog when I have Kisa around! He has always been very protective over me I raised him since he was about 4 months old even though he looks 'ferocious' in the picture he is a big lover boy. :laughhard:


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HowlinGaleDragon":da3f5 said:
:laughhard: Hahaha Yes I do I don't need to worry about getting a dog when I have Kisa around! He has always been very protective over me I raised him since he was about 4 months old even though he looks 'ferocious' in the picture he is a big lover boy. :laughhard:
Yeah I know what you mean I always get a kick out of the phony tough guy act.My biggest boy Dragon is the same way but truth in fact I am suprised he even has the heart to kill his feeders let alone anything else.You gotta love our beardies!


Extreme Poster
LOL! That is funny!

Did he get you? Looks like it could have hurt a bit if he did. :wink:


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Hehe thanks for the posts!

No he didn't get me I jumped back a little when he came at the shirt so he didn't get any skin

Thanks, He is a handsome boy you should see his babies they are glowing I bred him to a gorgeous red female that babies are amazing I still have 5 left if your looking for something like him he's a hambone!


Extreme Poster
Oh my!
I couldnt believe it when I saw the pictures! hahaha! what a bizare little monster you have


HowlinGaleDragon":a0e6e said:
Hehe thanks for the posts!

No he didn't get me I jumped back a little when he came at the shirt so he didn't get any skin

Thanks, He is a handsome boy you should see his babies they are glowing I bred him to a gorgeous red female that babies are amazing I still have 5 left if your looking for something like him he's a hambone!
I'm deffinatley interested but I won't be ready to get a new one till after the holidays. I 'm just now starting to get all the stuff I need for a new set up. Please let me know if you'll have any new babies after the new year. I live in florida, so it'll need to be shipped. Thanks
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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