I have an 11? year-old dragon who has really slowed down over the past few months. His eyesight is terrible and he will not eat on his own. We have been syringe feeding him Beardie Buffet, Grub Pie, or Critical Care. He will usually lap it up pretty well for me, but not really for anyone else. He is weaker than he used to be and he sleeps a lot. He can get around but we have had to modify his tank so he doesn't tip and fall or get stuck. He goes through spurts where he seems to get URI symptoms (he will get a ring of gunk around one nostril). But lately, he has been opening and closing his mouth sometimes. I swear I read somewhere that is an indication of pain. But my google searches are not helpful. I do not want to see him suffering but the thought of having to put down my Rexy boy is hard. We have gone through 4 vets in the 7 years we have had him. Our favorite and a clear expert moved far away. Our current is nice but she is more of a general wildlife vet who will see exotics. I don't want to just give up on him but we know he is ADV positive, but I don't know that I want to put him through labs and any possible meds that might upset his tummy if his time is already short. My other dragons who we had to euthanize it was clear they were ready. They had labwork already that proved issues for their decline. I guess I am just struggling with not knowing any underlying causes for Rex. I would really appreciate any insight.