Oh my gosh-ok ill give that a try. an update though, as of now she has moved most of her dirt from the hot side to the cool side haha
Can you please post your own thread -- we need AHBD to help you w/ thisI got a question so my bearded dragon laid one egg 2 days ago still digging and everything not much appetite but hasn't laid n e more eggs...she has more in there...giving her warm baths and keeping an eye on her is this normal for 1st clutch
LoLso i didnt have a chance to take a pic before work, buuuut she did more while i was gone. lol such a goober. however i cant get past how proud she looks haha.
OMGi have news!!! so i just got home, and i think she layed her eggs while i was at work! i found 1 egg in her salad bowl, shes got 1 egg stuck on her rear right foot and shes filled in the pit she had dug in the middle of her tank! i dont know yet if she laid her whole clutch or just those 2 eggs so for tonight atleast i wont annoy her by digging around for more eggs, ill deal with that tomorrow before work!