i think she wants to lay


so i think Ripley might have eggs to lay even tho i cant feel them. last couple days shes been digging up her tank like crazy. last year around this time is when she laid her very first clutch of 30 and i couldnt feel them in her even just a couple days beforehand.


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Original Poster
oh and i really want to give her a bath, just because i love her yellow color but i havent yet cuz i know the booger will just immediately undo it lol


BD.org Sicko
She really is digging up a storm, you're probably right that she's got some eggs to lay in that chubby belly ! She is a pretty yellow girl, will these be infertile eggs ?


Original Poster
yes they will be infertile, as i havent actually let her and my male interact with each other beyond, seeing one another when i take them out to go run around the bedroom


Original Poster
so today she has totally wrecked her tank with her digging lol. if anyone has ideas why shes doing this other than eggs, let me know


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BD.org Sicko
If you have a large shoebox or similar sized cardboard box, put it in a corner upside down with one end cut out so it's like a cave. Pack it pretty full with substrate + she may use it as a nest box.


BD.org Sicko
Where did she say last time ? Maybe she'll end up using her cave if you put extra substrate in it and guide her in. Otherwise try the shoebox method.


Original Poster
last time she layed, i didnt have the dirt substrate, i included pics of her how her tank was setup at the time. when i put her cave hide in the tank, i added it after the dirt and wiggled it down into it and even added some inside after placement. she is diggin in her cave too. wow! what are the odds, as im typing this shes gone into her cave to dig more


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Original Poster
so this is a first. so i just woke up a bit ago, came out to the front room, and ripley was diggin away again, so i slide open her door and went to pet her, and she actually started head bobbing at me lol


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Poor girls hormones going crazy, bless her heart.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Do you have a piece of basking decor directly under the uvb now? It should be directly over the basking decor piece- 12-15 inches- she's going to need that uvb to absorb the calcium she's going to need after laying the eggs-


Original Poster
well idk if you can tell in any of the pics ive posted but i did actually raise up her hammock to be closer to the uvb and just today on my way intop work i stopped at home depot. i bought a large cinder block that im gonna put in after i clean and bake it plus trying to smooth out any overly sharp edges. i figure that will boost the entire basking spot up a bit more than it was, im also thinking she might like the little tunnels the holes make


Original Poster
also i still cant tell if she even has any eggs in her belly i took her out a day or 2 ago cuz she started surfing the front like she wanted out. took her to the room she immediately hopped off me and went into the far corner of the room, buried her nose in the corner and went to sleep lol. when i went to pick her up to put her back in the tank, i lifted her front with my index fingers and gently probed around her belly with the other fingers but i didnt feel anything like eggs, maybe thats cuz they will be infertile? incase its not eggs, can you think of why shes set on digging up her tank?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
also i still cant tell if she even has any eggs in her belly i took her out a day or 2 ago cuz she started surfing the front like she wanted out. took her to the room she immediately hopped off me and went into the far corner of the room, buried her nose in the corner and went to sleep lol. when i went to pick her up to put her back in the tank, i lifted her front with my index fingers and gently probed around her belly with the other fingers but i didnt feel anything like eggs, maybe thats cuz they will be infertile? incase its not eggs, can you think of why shes set on digging up her tank?
I would get her a lay box and watch to see if she lays eggs - place it in her tank --
potting soil that doesn't have any type of chemicals or fertilizers in it, mixed with sand, etc. Be sure it is at least 10-12 inches deep & that the mix is damp enough to where it will hold up to her making a burrow but not sopping wet to have standing water.

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