Using your age as an excuse for your laziness is no good excuse. And honestly, shame on your parents for not educating themselves too on beardies before allowing you to have one. If they educated themselves, they may have noticed these issues by now, or better yet, known you were not ready. As a child, I was very limited on what pets I was allowed to have. It took forever to get a cat, a hamster and a parakeet. During all that begging, I got books at the library on the pets I wanted and read, read, read. I cared for my own pets as a kid. Of course my parents handled costs, but I was expected to feed and clean.
When I became an adult, I quickly built myself up a small zoo. 3 dogs, 2 cats, a beardie, a corn snake, a sugar glider, a parrotlet, fish, turtles, frogs, anoles, 8 rats, 6 mice, a gerbil, the list goes on. I was also a single parent with a full time job. And still have time to horseback ride with my daughter, go to theme parks, walks, play video and board games, etc.
If I had time to have a full life and all those pets, I don't see how a teenager can't do the same. My oldest daughter, now 15, puts down her video games to care for her pets, sometimes I gotta remind her, but that's what I gotta do as a parent and pet owner to ensure I raise a compassionate child, so be it.
In the future, before you get get another pet, remember, it is a LIFE. And it relies 100% on you. What you essentially described was neglect, imagine if your parents did the same to you as a baby. Played their Nintendo while you cried for hunger or warmth. Beardies can't vocalize their hunger pains, they just suffer in silence.