I just got my baby bearded dragon Friday and I don’t know if she is eating she won’t take the mealworms from me. She did Saturday, but Sunday and yesterday and today she won’t take it, but I do put it in her food bowl and then I’ll clean it out after I noticed that she’s not gonna eat it but she is using the bathroom right now. She is laying on her log with her eyes closed. She’ll open them look at me and then she’ll close them I am a new breaded dragon parent and I don’t want nothing to happen to her and I’ve called Petco where I got her at and they don’t know nothing about them. They don’t know they don’t know how old she is and if it’s a boy or a girl so I am hoping that she is a girl I do give her kale and cucumbers, but I make sure I cut them up really small she don’t have much in her tank. She has three tree limbs. She has a log and her water bottle and her food bowl. I do have a rock. I found that I washed really really really good with water that I put in there later. can someone tell me the way she’s acting if it’s normal because I am panicking I just love her so much and I’ve only had her for five days four days.