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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and still pretty new to owning a dragon. I need some help. I’ve done lots of research and tried different products and tried different ways of setting up the tank and I’m just at a loss here. I did just fill out the account info on the products/setup I’m currently using. I feel like my dragon doesn’t bask enough and doesn’t eat enough and doesn’t drink enough. I thought my dragon was male but now I’m seriously thinking he is a SHE. I have to physically put her on the basking spot or she won’t bask. And even when I put her on the spot she only basks for a little while and then goes back into hiding again. She is always hiding. I have to physically put her on her food dish or she won’t eat. Same with drinking. She goes crazy for live Dubia roaches and freeze dried mealworms, but is mostly uninterested in ANY other food I put out. Only small nibbles here and there (when I physically put her on her dish). Greens, veggies, fruits, dry pellets, moist pellets. I’ve tried tons of different things pretty much to no avail. She passes bowel movements (when she eats enough to) just fine. Stools look normal. She looks healthy (I think). She’s growing. When she walks/moves around she’s not stiff or limping or any other visibly questionable movements. I use calcium powder every time on her live Dubia roaches. She eats 15-20 live dubia roaches in one sitting about 2 times a week. Hottest basking surface temp is about 113. Then it’s a gradient down to the cool side that is 80 at its lowest. At night the tank can get to 60-65 due to a portable air condition unit and a fan I have in my bedroom. I have 2 lamps on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours. One lamp is a PowerSun Mercury vapor bulb 160watt and the other is a zoo med repti basking bulb 150 watt. I’ve also moved physical locations of the tank around a bit because of my other pets being near her and thinking maybe they stress her out? (I have an aquatic turtle/fish tank, and 2 parakeets and 2 axolotls in a different tank - i MIGHT be a little obsessed with animals! Haha!) I will attach pictures. The plants in her tank are all fake silky plants. I just don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or if I’m expecting too much activity from her or what. It’s honestly like if I didn’t pick her up and move her about to food/water and basking she would just stay hidden and laying, in and out of sleep, in this one spot. The lady I got her from was pretty clueless as to her age. She told me she was 6 months old but she was CLEARLY mistaken because my dragon was way too tiny to be that old. Like maybe 5-6 inches nose to tail. So I’m guessing, by her growth rate and measurements she’s currently probably about 9 months? Or just under a year? She’s about 15 inches long currently. I’m so worried about her and just don’t know what to do and really want to do this right. Please help! Thanks in advance.


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Beardie name(s)
Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and still pretty new to owning a dragon. I need some help. I’ve done lots of research and tried different products and tried different ways of setting up the tank and I’m just at a loss here. I did just fill out the account info on the products/setup I’m currently using. I feel like my dragon doesn’t bask enough and doesn’t eat enough and doesn’t drink enough. I thought my dragon was male but now I’m seriously thinking he is a SHE. I have to physically put her on the basking spot or she won’t bask. And even when I put her on the spot she only basks for a little while and then goes back into hiding again. She is always hiding. I have to physically put her on her food dish or she won’t eat. Same with drinking. She goes crazy for live Dubia roaches and freeze dried mealworms, but is mostly uninterested in ANY other food I put out. Only small nibbles here and there (when I physically put her on her dish). Greens, veggies, fruits, dry pellets, moist pellets. I’ve tried tons of different things pretty much to no avail. She passes bowel movements (when she eats enough to) just fine. Stools look normal. She looks healthy (I think). She’s growing. When she walks/moves around she’s not stiff or limping or any other visibly questionable movements. I use calcium powder every time on her live Dubia roaches. She eats 15-20 live dubia roaches in one sitting about 2 times a week. Hottest basking surface temp is about 113. Then it’s a gradient down to the cool side that is 80 at its lowest. At night the tank can get to 60-65 due to a portable air condition unit and a fan I have in my bedroom. I have 2 lamps on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours. One lamp is a PowerSun Mercury vapor bulb 160watt and the other is a zoo med repti basking bulb 150 watt. I’ve also moved physical locations of the tank around a bit because of my other pets being near her and thinking maybe they stress her out? (I have an aquatic turtle/fish tank, and 2 parakeets and 2 axolotls in a different tank - i MIGHT be a little obsessed with animals! Haha!) I will attach pictures. The plants in her tank are all fake silky plants. I just don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or if I’m expecting too much activity from her or what. It’s honestly like if I didn’t pick her up and move her about to food/water and basking she would just stay hidden and laying, in and out of sleep, in this one spot. The lady I got her from was pretty clueless as to her age. She told me she was 6 months old but she was CLEARLY mistaken because my dragon was way too tiny to be that old. Like maybe 5-6 inches nose to tail. So I’m guessing, by her growth rate and measurements she’s currently probably about 9 months? Or just under a year? She’s about 15 inches long currently. I’m so worried about her and just don’t know what to do and really want to do this right. Please help! Thanks in advance.
I have a few tips for you !

First, stop using reptile sand, it’s dangerous if they decide to ingest it because it may cause impaction. I recommend using reptile carpet instead !

Second, don’t let her tank at night go below 65, get her a night lamp if it does. Under 65 can easily be fatal to a beardie.

How often does she take baths ? It’s good for them to have multiple baths a month. I also recommend using a cotton swab to brush their teeth with diluted chlorhexidine 2x to prevent against periodontal disease because they are super susceptible to it (over 1/3 Beardies in captivity have it.)

For baths make sure the water doesn’t go above their elbows, they like to drink the water and also like to splash around. Make sure it is not too hot, I like to use 90 degrees as my temp.

If she is not eating greens, she may like when you pick up her food and plop it down in front of her and make it seem more lively. That’s what I do for Harry and she eats it right up.

The easiest way to sex your bearded dragon would be to check under their tail, just near the base where they excrete there should be an area with a bump or two bumps. If it’s two bumps it’s male and if one it’s female. Males also have darker beards when they are upset but that’s hard to use as a differentiating factor, you will have to see if your beardie lays eggs or not lol.

And yeah, she’s probably about a year old; they grow about 1-2 inches a month the first year.
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Beardie name(s)
Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and still pretty new to owning a dragon. I need some help. I’ve done lots of research and tried different products and tried different ways of setting up the tank and I’m just at a loss here. I did just fill out the account info on the products/setup I’m currently using. I feel like my dragon doesn’t bask enough and doesn’t eat enough and doesn’t drink enough. I thought my dragon was male but now I’m seriously thinking he is a SHE. I have to physically put her on the basking spot or she won’t bask. And even when I put her on the spot she only basks for a little while and then goes back into hiding again. She is always hiding. I have to physically put her on her food dish or she won’t eat. Same with drinking. She goes crazy for live Dubia roaches and freeze dried mealworms, but is mostly uninterested in ANY other food I put out. Only small nibbles here and there (when I physically put her on her dish). Greens, veggies, fruits, dry pellets, moist pellets. I’ve tried tons of different things pretty much to no avail. She passes bowel movements (when she eats enough to) just fine. Stools look normal. She looks healthy (I think). She’s growing. When she walks/moves around she’s not stiff or limping or any other visibly questionable movements. I use calcium powder every time on her live Dubia roaches. She eats 15-20 live dubia roaches in one sitting about 2 times a week. Hottest basking surface temp is about 113. Then it’s a gradient down to the cool side that is 80 at its lowest. At night the tank can get to 60-65 due to a portable air condition unit and a fan I have in my bedroom. I have 2 lamps on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours. One lamp is a PowerSun Mercury vapor bulb 160watt and the other is a zoo med repti basking bulb 150 watt. I’ve also moved physical locations of the tank around a bit because of my other pets being near her and thinking maybe they stress her out? (I have an aquatic turtle/fish tank, and 2 parakeets and 2 axolotls in a different tank - i MIGHT be a little obsessed with animals! Haha!) I will attach pictures. The plants in her tank are all fake silky plants. I just don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or if I’m expecting too much activity from her or what. It’s honestly like if I didn’t pick her up and move her about to food/water and basking she would just stay hidden and laying, in and out of sleep, in this one spot. The lady I got her from was pretty clueless as to her age. She told me she was 6 months old but she was CLEARLY mistaken because my dragon was way too tiny to be that old. Like maybe 5-6 inches nose to tail. So I’m guessing, by her growth rate and measurements she’s currently probably about 9 months? Or just under a year? She’s about 15 inches long currently. I’m so worried about her and just don’t know what to do and really want to do this right. Please help! Thanks in advance.
I would also recommend getting a uvb tube rather than a bulb, 24 inches is best, keep it over basking spot mainly. I’m not quite sure what strength is best, I usually hear 40-50 is good.


Juvie Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Hi and welcome! I agree with Asper. And also have you tried using different decors for her basking spot? Maybe a rock or a big cork bark or any premade basking decors. Because what I saw in the picture is that she lays on the branch vertically, coupled with your hottest basking temp being 113 (which can be a bit too high for bearded dragon her age), she might not be getting heat evenly thorughout the length of her body. If she's feeling super hot on top of her head she just might walk away and hide. So maybe experiment with different wattage lights, dim it to 100F, put a flat basking decor and see how she acts.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I agree also, please give her something she xan actually climb on to bask. The mvb light can work but isnt ideal, yhe 24 inch tube fixture mentiobed is better. Right now you gave that mvb which also make heat on 1 end and a badking bulb on the other. She looks to be trying to find acool spot. For night time plrase get a ceramic heat emitter. They dont produce light, just heat.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
You want a cool side of tank 80's and please are you using digital probe thermometers? I dont see any gauges in the tank at all --- digital probes are the most accurate --- you dont want temps over 110 -- most older dragons like 95-100 -- please adjust


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I have a few tips for you !

First, stop using reptile sand, it’s dangerous if they decide to ingest it because it may cause impaction. I recommend using reptile carpet instead !

Second, don’t let her tank at night go below 65, get her a night lamp if it does. Under 65 can easily be fatal to a beardie.

How often does she take baths ? It’s good for them to have multiple baths a month. I also recommend using a cotton swab to brush their teeth with diluted chlorhexidine 2x to prevent against periodontal disease because they are super susceptible to it (over 1/3 Beardies in captivity have it.)

For baths make sure the water doesn’t go above their elbows, they like to drink the water and also like to splash around. Make sure it is not too hot, I like to use 90 degrees as my temp.

If she is not eating greens, she may like when you pick up her food and plop it down in front of her and make it seem more lively. That’s what I do for Harry and she eats it right up.

The easiest way to sex your bearded dragon would be to check under their tail, just near the base where they excrete there should be an area with a bump or two bumps. If it’s two bumps it’s male and if one it’s female. Males also have darker beards when they are upset but that’s hard to use as a differentiating factor, you will have to see if your beardie lays eggs or not lol.

And yeah, she’s probably about a year old; they grow about 1-2 inches a month the first year.

Thank you for the tips! She bathes about once a week. Is that enough? Especially if she never touches her water dish in her tank?

As for sexing, under the tail there are two bumps but they’re pretty small and close together forming more of a boxish shape (not elongated and more separated like other male pics I’ve seen). Maybe I will post a picture of that too.

I know I’ve been wondering and worrying if her constant hiding and stuff could be related to brumating and/or egg laying (if she really is female). I’ve read horror stories about females struggling with infertile egg laying their whole lives and now I’m worried that might be in her future!

And how do I make sure to keep her from brumating? I live in northern Utah and it gets cold and snowy here in the winter.

Here is an under the tail picture. What do you think? Male or female?


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Your thumb is covering where we need to see lol. You should not try to stop brumation unless they are under weight, or sick ect. It is part of their natural behavior. To answer your question though, it would be by increaing the time their lights are on and raisingvthe temp in the enclosure by just a bit.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I would also recommend getting a uvb tube rather than a bulb, 24 inches is best, keep it over basking spot mainly. I’m not quite sure what strength is best, I usually hear 40-50 is good.

The uvb tubes are just uvb right? No heat? So I would put a tube in ALONG with my Mercury vapor bulb?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Your thumb is covering where we need to see lol. You should not try to stop brumation unless they are under weight, or sick ect. It is part of their natural behavior. To answer your question though, it would be by increaing the time their lights are on and raisingvthe temp in the enclosure by just a bit.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Your thumb is covering where we need to see lol. You should not try to stop brumation unless they are under weight, or sick ect. It is part of their natural behavior. To answer your question though, it would be by increaing the time their lights are on and raisingvthe temp in the enclosure by just a bit.

So is it possible he/she could be brumating? How do you differentiate between brumating (and to leave them alone) versus being lethargic and hiding for another reason (and to encourage them to bask, eat, etc.) ??

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
So is it possible he/she could be brumating? How do you differentiate between brumating (and to leave them alone) versus being lethargic and hiding for another reason (and to encourage them to bask, eat, etc.) ??
Your dragon is a male- we need to go over surface basking temps-- and uvb- you have a mvb what brand and bulb? Are you taking surface basking temps w/ a digital probe thermometer? These things need to be correct otherwise this behavior could simulate brumation


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
You want a cool side of tank 80's and please are you using digital probe thermometers? I dont see any gauges in the tank at all --- digital probes are the most accurate --- you dont want temps over 110 -- most older dragons like 95-100 -- please adjust

I am using a handheld infrared forehead thermometer that can also switch over to measure “surface temperature”.

Here is a pic of it-



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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Your dragon is a male- we need to go over surface basking temps-- and uvb- you have a mvb what brand and bulb? Are you taking surface basking temps w/ a digital probe thermometer? These things need to be correct otherwise this behavior could simulate brumation

Zoo Med Powersun, 160 watt. See pic

Aren’t the bulges usually more elongated and spaces apart in males?

I use a handheld infrared forehead thermometer that can also switch over to take surface temperatures. See pic



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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I agree also, please give her something she xan actually climb on to bask. The mvb light can work but isnt ideal, yhe 24 inch tube fixture mentiobed is better. Right now you gave that mvb which also make heat on 1 end and a badking bulb on the other. She looks to be trying to find acool spot. For night time plrase get a ceramic heat emitter. They dont produce light, just heat.

Also, are drafts bad for dragons? Would it be bad if the screen top tank is underneath the ceiling AC vent? There’s probably 45-48 inches from the vent to the screen top
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LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh
LarryTheLizard wrote on SaraJean's profile.
happy birthday :)

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