I miss Thor


Hatchling Member
This is all I have for now. He's in brumation.

I wanted him to be comfy, but also give him his privacy. He can move around, he's able to get out easily, no worries. I look at him every couple days and he's shifted around a couple times. I think he likes this setup, because he smushed himself right into the crease in the bed with his head sticking out.

I wonder how long I have to wait for him this time?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I can imagine he likes it for brumation :) My dragon actually dug a similar-looking shape down into the sand, something round exactly his curled-up body shape, a small opening where he poked out if he liked doing so.

And I can imagine very well how much you miss him. Mine brumated quite long (close to 4 months depending on how you count the days belonging to "brumation", I kept looking at beardie pictures, watched beardie clips, even put in a sign "out of service" in his enclosure to take a photo ;)


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

It is hard while they are sleeping, but I always check on them, to be sure that they are ok. Too bad we can't brumate along with them!


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She finally woke up, it‘s almost noon!!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on xp29's profile.
Hey, I just saw one of your posts from a few months ago, I’m sorry for your loss of Sweet Pea and Zen, I know that’s really rough, and I’ll keep you in my prayers!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Lyrebird.Rainwing's profile.
Heyy….if you like WoF… is there a chance you like the book series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter?
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Plutonium's profile.
‘Ello mate!
Larry didn’t want to move from my hand this particularly chilly morning 🤣

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