I haven't been on here in a while. (pics)

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I'm not sure if anyone remembers me, but I haven't been on here lately. My bearded dragon, Dude, passed away a few months ago. It has been really hard without Dude here. We had such a strong and amazing bond.

Here's Dude. Dude had MBD (he was a rescue) which is why he looks a little skinny.


Since then, my boyfriend and I adopted a three-footed bearded dragon. Someone got hungry and ate his foot when he was a hatchling :( But he gets around just fine, climbs anything he can.


I also had the chance to meet a baby silkback! She was a rescue as well. She wasn't getting any skin lotion so she was having shedding problems, poor thing! She's healthy now and getting fattened up! (Just so we don't get on the topic of silkback breeding, she was just a rescue we did not breed her or get her from a breeder)




Sub-Adult Member
I'm glad to see that you've always taken in rescues.. many people can't or won't go that extra mile.. you should consider yourself a pretty special to be able to do that!! Yes, the bonds created between a human and another living being is the same no matter the species.. a bond is a bond... :p


Juvie Member
Original Poster
jacody":29kab1ku said:
I'm glad to see that you've always taken in rescues.. many people can't or won't go that extra mile.. you should consider yourself a pretty special to be able to do that!! Yes, the bonds created between a human and another living being is the same no matter the species.. a bond is a bond... :p

Thank you! I always find myself picking out the runts and oddlings of animals. I think it's just in my nature haha. It's definitely hard and very costly, but rewarding.


Gray-bearded Member
I'm so sorry for your loss. You clearly have a huge heart and those babies are so very blessed to have you!
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