I can agree to xp29 very much
I really have never had a pet so gentle than my beardie. It is really very unlikely they bite. Once in a while there was a small scratch from a claw, absolutely accidentally (when my beardie hadn't learned yet how to really grab a human's hand to sit there while being taken out of the enclosure). Scratches on my arms, which can happen when my dragon climbs, I prevent them by simply only wearing long-sleeve shirts when handling my beardie.
They might look a bit intimidating with their spikes and "neck shield" and all the things (I call him affectionately "triceratops" and "living stone"
), but in general, they are very gentle and before they would bite they would show a lot of "defense display" like backing off, puffing up, getting dark... mine never did, I only saw it in videos.
Regarding something to grab insects:
You don't need the (rather expensive) special insect tweezers from the pet store.
You could get some tweezers or barbecue tongs, even from the dollar store. I have gotten me some long bamboo barbecue tongs, not only for insects but also when I need to grab something inside the enclosure that I cannot reach otherwise. I decided for the bamboo instead of metal for the tweezers so they won't break the glass if accidentally dropped. They should be easy to get, now that it's barbecue season