jtran1020":10x47wwz said:
Alright ill go check those out. I'm new to beardies how should I start taming them? He seems nice but I'm scared to go up to him and scoop him up. What should I do? He puffed his beard out a couple times but it wasn't black so does that still mean he doesn't like me?
When you go to pick him up (until he is used to you/human contact) go in from the front. Let him smell you, this is them licking your hand/finger for your scent. Once the dragon has got your scent it will either step away or stay there. If it stays there, this means "okay pick me up".
Here is a video of my picking up may dragons when they were babies. It should help.
Try your best not to go from the side until the dragon is used to being handled. Never pick them up from behind, their third eye will receive the light change and the dragon will sense "danger", essentially this scares them.
** video is old LOL**