How to Read a Dosing Syringe!!

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Sub-Adult Member
If you are going to medicate your own dragon, you should really learn how to calculate dosages. More importantly, you must learn how to read a syringe. It can be very confusing trying to figure out the difference between 0.1 cc and 0.01 cc

A lot of people get the syringe and immediately think the 0.1 cc is the same as .01 cc, but the difference is 10x more if you confuse 0.1 for 0.01, so don't let the decimal point confuse you. This is why most dosage charts are provided with medications and the 0 is always listed before the . in doses less than 0.1 cc


If your 200 gram dragon needs medication at 0.02 cc per 100 grams of body weight, then the total amount would be .04 cc or the little line before the 0.05 on the syringe. This is a VERY SMALL amount, so you can see how big the difference would be if you accidently filled the syringe to 0.4 cc.

If you ever have any questions about medication dosages, it not going to hurt if you wait until you are 100% sure.
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