how many meal worms should i be feeding my 8 month old drago

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New member
i wondering how many meal worms to feed my dragon he is abt 8months old and he get btween 10 to 15 in a morning and same at night, he also get brown crickets, black crickets, but he loves meal worms and likes thm the best as so as we put thm in hes on thm, and he wnt eat is greens aswell, so if any1 can help me


Extreme Poster
Supers however, you can if you wish, offer 2 a day. Just remember to dust those with your calcium each time.
Hope that helps out !


Hatchling Member
waxworms only as a treat because they are too fatty! you can put 10 mealworms a day but only freshly molted skin worms! (when they have a white color they are ok to feed to your beardie :D) make sure you gutload the mealworms with a good flake fishfood and turtle stiks and give the mealworms carrots, apples, pears and greens!

best regards
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