In response to the header- None. 75 crix in a keeper and a tub of 25 or so supers... I'm bad, but Stripes isn't eating much lately, and will not hunt live prey, or eat on her own. I have to hand/force feed her through a syringe, so keeping a colony of feeders is a semi-pointless venture as I have no space, and my beardie doesn't eat much...
But, it's definitely time for me and my fiance to move out and get our own place so I can have a couple colonies of bugs... I'm looking to start dubia, not crix- (too smelly/noisy) when we do have our own place.(i'm sure my future mother-in-law would be THRILLED if i started a dubia colony in her house)
How much more of a handful is keeping a colony of bugs on top of a beardie? I guess I'm going to start doing my research...