How many beardies do you have?

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I have two and love them both. Then we went to a reptile expo and it was all I had not to get a third. Is it just me or does anyone else have this issue too? My husband says if we keep getting pets we should turn the dinning room into the reptile room. My parents said we should charge admission to our house. Do you think we have gone to far? We have two beardies, two red eared sliders, two cats, and a bunch of fish, and I think when my son is old enough he will want a snake. All of our animals are very healthy and well taken care of and I think it helps our children learn responsiblity. My daughter has become the reptile expert of second grade. Let me know if I am not alone.



Gray-bearded Member
I have two, and personally I could not handle another right now. I am just super busy with school and working full time that I would not have time. If you have the time and funds, I don't think it's bad at all to get another one!


Extreme Poster
I have two dragons, three sliders, 2 big dogs, 5 African clawed frogs, a cat and a pond with fish. :D My house is getting smaller, LOL

It is very hard to go to a reptile show/expo and not come home with something. I try to stick with things I need for tanks/enclosures so no critters will come home with me, LOL


Gray-bearded Member
I have one BD and one cat and will probably stick with just them. I may add a day gecko or crested gecko to the family though.


Extreme Poster
We have 4 atm but soon to be 5 :shock: :oops:

Chimaira(8 months) is my 15 yr olds. She got him when he was 3 months old. He was the first beardie. We love him to death so my hubby and I wanted one for ourself and we got Roo and Lexia(10weeks old sisters). We went to a petshop and found Zero(6 to 7 yrs) he was a awful site. So we bought him for our 17yr old daughter she fell inlove with him. We are building Roo and Lexia their new viv's and well instead of a double its a triple soooo I'll have 1 empty viv witch will = beardie #5 :shock:

Someone on this site told me they were like lays chips you can't just have one or two or three or four ...... they were SOOOOOO right!

Jiffy Addict
I have 3 beardies, 3 dogs, 1 cat (right now 2 cats, we are cat sitting for my moms cat).
Wouldnt trade them for anything.
I dont think I would get another beardie, b/c I dont think I would have time to care properly for any more than I have now. It is just me that takes care of them, so I dont think I could handle more.


Hatchling Member
I have 2 babies right now McLuvin and Vivid....and I can tell you it wont end with just them! But I'm a stay at home mom with lots of time on my hands. I don't think I could have everything I do now if I was in school or working. I have 2 dragons, 2 cats one in do to have kittens (she got out through the coal shoot in the fireplace), 2 dogs (one that is also due to have puppies because my nabors dog climbed our fence and stole her innocence, so now we are going to be having Pekingese Rat Terrirers (yuck) 2 Mediterranean geckos, and a fish tank. Hmmm maybe I do need to get my head checked on wanting to add a few more beardie's to the list lol

I agree with you about helping kids to learn resposability and my kids also like to inform people on the care they need and what wonderful pets they's really cute

Stephies_Leo _Dragon

Juvie Member
I have 2 beardies, 9 leopard geckos, and one Quaker parrot and believe me they keep me busy ! lol Sometimes I think it is such a hassle trying to take care of all these animals but I love em to pieces so what are ya gonna do ?? I have been wanting a dog really bad but with so many reptiles I don't think I could give a dog the proper attention it needs. I love all of my animals and wouldn't trade them for anything!


Juvie Member
I have one BD, rexie shes 9 months old, cleo my hypro corn who ive just got and in bout 13 weeks old, two rats minnie and rizzo as well as 30 (i think tropical fish) I would love another breadie but just dont have enough room in my wee house plus my partner thinks we have enough! Can you put to girls together in a viv?


i have been wanting another beardie since all i have is one. but i dont want to get another beardie and then not spend enough time with the one i have so i keep that in my head and always end up not buying any. we had a zoo in our house but i had to get rid of all our animals since we're moving. i had a ferret a beardie 6 boas 3 leopard geckos and 3 dogs. and thats what everyone told me. that we need to charge admission. lol


Juvie Member
I have 2 beardies, 3 Labs, 2 red eared sliders, 1 cat, 2 dart frogs , 1 guppy that the turtles live with & 4 kids.

I would get another beardie if my husband wouldn't divorce me after 13yrs. But actually I'm content with the 2. If I stay away from hatchlings I don't get the itch. I had to beg for the 2nd beardie.
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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