How I got my guy to poop.


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I wanted to share how I got my beardie to poop. He didn’t go for about two weeks and I was starting to worry. He was still acting normal and his belly didn’t feel hard, so I wanted to try a few things before going to the vet.
My daughter made apple sauce that was just steamed apples she puréed. She got him to take a few bites with a syringe, but after two days, nothing.
He had baths every day this week, where I was gently using a toothbrush to massage his belly and today I decided to use the syringe to make a steady stream of water move over and over again near his vent. I was very careful not to get too close. I didn’t want to shoot water inside and hurt him, I just wanted the stream of water to touch him.
He pooped within 3 minutes of me doing it. I know it could be a coincidence, but I wanted to share just in case. I tried the same thing using my hands, but I really think the concentrated stream really stimulated him.
Sorry this is so long lol.

AHBD Sicko
Sounds like another little tip to add to the bag of tricks to get them to poo. :) That is a much discussed topic on beardie forums for sure ! Along with applesauce people also use canned pumpkin [ no spices ] baby food squash, prune or sweet potato with or w/out 1-2 drops of olive oil or raw honey. Then a warmer than usual bath can help as well or putting them in the sun where it's very warm .

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