- Beardie name(s)
- Ginger
We usually feed our 2 yr old girl ~5 gutloaded crickets 3-4 times a week. The thing is, we need to constantly remove and put back the decor every time there is a feeding. The crickets are so active and jump around onto various surfaces and into nooks and crannies, and our beardie struggles to find/catch them all. Constantly removing and putting the decor back can get pretty bothersome, so I want to know how you guys feed crickets to your beardies?
I've heard of putting them in the fridge for 5 mins to slow them down, but this seems so cruel to me. I'm thinking of investing in a small tank or storage container just to plop my beardie in there and feed. Switching to dubia roaches is an option, but I don't have a lot of experience and I hear they climb and hide too.
I've heard of putting them in the fridge for 5 mins to slow them down, but this seems so cruel to me. I'm thinking of investing in a small tank or storage container just to plop my beardie in there and feed. Switching to dubia roaches is an option, but I don't have a lot of experience and I hear they climb and hide too.