wow these are awsome,,i had a crazy experience when i got mt first beardie demon,,my mom said they were disgusting and there was no way she would hold her ..well demon died beausse she had some kind of disease that i did not know about i forgot to the name,but then i bought my baby max of craigslit from a lady that bought two and realized one was a boy and one was a girl, so i bought the boy who was named max, i decided that name was not that bad and kept it , anyways her recently me and fiance of five year broke up so i came crawling back to mom and dads with max in tow and i though my mom would not hold him but the first thing she said was wow hses gotten huge and what would happen if i picked him up, so i let her hold him and she loves him,,alot she said when i move out she needs visitation rights ..and so far everybody i talk to and who sees him holds him he even sat on my two year old nephews lap,my nephew loves to feed him or watch him eat., i just feed him lettuce when my nephew is watching lol but yesterday i was gettin gas after buying max some meal worms and the gas attendant asked what is was doing with the worms and i said i was going to feed them to my bearded dragon and hes like whats that like a big lizzard i laughed and said yes as max is 9 months old and is 18 inches long ..people usualy have loads of questions to ask me when they see max so this site helps me answer that alot lol