How do I discourage Smaug from digging?! HELP!

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Hatchling Member
Smaug seems to have an obsession with digging up his sand. When I had a look at his front feet the skin looks worn down. I am extremely concerned!
Advice as always is welcome (witch hunting is not!)

PS> I have already tried changing substrates and even that doesn't seem to stop him!


Extreme Poster
Hi there,
Dear me! What a little monster.

Well in my experience there are a few explanations for digging (non of which are scary or dramatic... or involve witches)
1. seeking security to nap in. Alot of beardies like to dig to make themselves a comfy little nook to nap in. Adding a snugglebox can help stop this behaviour.
2. you've got yourself a gravid female (can be infertile) and she's starting to get ready to lay. This sprang to mind first when you said you had changed her substrate and she'd continued to do this.
3. he just loves it! Ive come across a few beardies who seem to really enjoy 'remodeling' their homes.

How old is Smaug? Are you certain he is a he?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ethelia":56523 said:
Hi there,
Dear me! What a little monster.

Well in my experience there are a few explanations for digging (non of which are scary or dramatic... or involve witches)
1. seeking security to nap in. Alot of beardies like to dig to make themselves a comfy little nook to nap in. Adding a snugglebox can help stop this behaviour.
2. you've got yourself a gravid female (can be infertile) and she's starting to get ready to lay. This sprang to mind first when you said you had changed her substrate and she'd continued to do this.
3. he just loves it! Ive come across a few beardies who seem to really enjoy 'remodeling' their homes.

How old is Smaug? Are you certain he is a he?


Hi Holly,

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a boy (2 lumps above the vent) he's nearly 11 months now and about 13" long. I'm amazed he hasn't grown faster cause I've literally poured food into him and hes just there taking his sweet time about it lol.
I think it's definitely a remodeling thing then if there's no other explanation for it.


Sub-Adult Member
Kyle's the same, she loves digging. Best thing I've found to line tanks with is actually good quality astroturf. Have a look on eBay, there's some very nice suppliers who'll cut to size for you. I paid about £16 for enough to do both tanks - that's about $30. It's super easy to clean, soft, extremely resistant to digging but still allows the claws to drag satisfyingly on it.

Try letting him play in a diggy box - organic compost and sand with a little water in to damp it to diggable consistency, coir bulks it out well. Either that or get a circular box - confused Ky no end!
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