How Big of a Tank Does a Bearded Dragon Need?

Gaping bearded dragon
The minimum recommended size reptile tank for an adult bearded dragon is a 40-gallon breeder tank (36" x 18" x 18"). You can house a baby bearded dragon in a 20-gallon tank but prepare to upgrade to a 40-gallon tank (or larger) when the baby grows to about 10 inches long (around three months of age) to keep him happy and healthy. Likewise, you can house a baby bearded dragon in a 40-gallon reptile tank to avoid extra expenses and relocation stress for your beardie. When housing a young bearded dragon in a tank larger than 40 gallons, make sure that your beardie can hunt for food effectively.

If you have the space for it, upgrading to a 120-gallon tank (4'x 2' x2' or 48" x 24" x 24") is ideal. Maintaining a proper cool side and basking spot temperatures in a larger tank is much easier, and your beardie will have plenty of room to explore and hunt. If you're limited on space and looking for something in between, a 67-gallon tank (48" x 18" x 18") or a 75-gallon tank (48" x 18" x 21") would also work pretty well.
Larger enclosures help bearded dragons regulate their body temperature better because they can easily move somewhere different or hide if exposed to uncomfortable temperatures. When in doubt, prioritize floor space, and make sure that the depth (width) is at least 18 inches, so that your beardie can easily turn around. Fifty-five gallon tanks with dimensions 48" x 13" x 20" are not wide enough to house a bearded dragon, so definitely avoid them.

When searching for the right-sized tank, also be sure to avoid taller enclosures. Bearded dragons prefer having more floor space and can't use vertical space as effectively as other reptiles, such as chameleons.
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