How are these Pores?


New member
Hello, This beard is about 2 years old. What are your recommendation to take care of these pores? I plan on warm baths + using a soft brush moving forward. But how bad do you think they are?


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Hello, This beard is about 2 years old. What are your recommendation to take care of these pores? I plan on warm baths + using a soft brush moving forward. But how bad do you think they are?
Please do not put them on their backs they cannot breathe--- they could stand to be expressed --- I would get some coconut oil soak them down good for a few days so they are good and soft -- then gently squeeze them --- if they are soft enough they will pop or express


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Please do not put them on their backs they cannot breathe--- they could stand to be expressed --- I would get some coconut oil soak them down good for a few days so they are good and soft -- then gently squeeze them --- if they are soft enough they will pop or express
Thanks for the advice! and I promise he is not actually on his back, its just the way the picture was taken. I have upper body in my left hand tilting him upward and put the phone sideways underneath to get the best pic!

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