Hi I am new and I need some help please

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Sorry for your loss. This doesn't sound like it was your fault, so I would contact the friend who gave him to you and make sure they are taking good care of any other lizards they may own. If needed, give them a link to BD.org so this won't happen again.


Original Poster
i left him on the hot rice sock thing overnight just in case (i read some where on here that sometimes they come back to life if you keep them warm) but this morning when i got home from work he was in full rigor and he had yellow goo coming out of his mouth. i guess he did have that yellow fungus. i really do love beardies though so i think im going to try and convince the husband we need yet another addition to the family.(dont worry i will triple disinfect everything that might be recycled) after everything i learned here in the last few days i think we can handle it. thanks again for all the support and helpful knowledge. you guys are the best. :cry:

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Poor little guy. I don't think that you could have done anything more than you did. He died soo fast that he was probably at the end. I know it hurts, I hurt every time I read about a beardie dying. I remember the ones we lost. I agree with you, either throw away what you can and the stuff you want to keep sterilize it. I remember reading you had carpet, I don't know how to sterilize the carpet, but I would suggest just replacing the carpet when you get a new little one. It will help you hurt less, at least it did for us.



BD.org Addict
Retired Moderator
Oh no :( I am so sorry to hear the little one passed.Unfortunately I think the fungus was too far gone and had seriously affected hs vital organs so I dont think there was anything you could do but I would personally like to thank you for trying and for at least giving him a few days with the care he deserved to be recieving his whole life.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Oh I am sorry to hear that he passed away. :cry: You did everything you could do, as he was very ill when you got him, unfortunately.
So you are going to get another one then?



Original Poster
i really want to get another one. the next time i see one on craigslist that needs some one to love him at a price i can afford i will adopt it. i dont want to get one from a store or a breeder, id rather get one that needs a good home. as for the carpet, i have more i dont think you can sterilize it.


Sub-Adult Member
crystalsmiff":97549 said:
i really want to get another one. the next time i see one on craigslist that needs some one to love him at a price i can afford i will adopt it. i dont want to get one from a store or a breeder, id rather get one that needs a good home. as for the carpet, i have more i dont think you can sterilize it.

Have you checked out the 'For Free' and 'Rescue' threads on here? That's how we got our Hermes :D
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