i took charlie my 9 month old beardie to Dr. Phoenix in nashua NH today and found out charlie is definitely impacted. he gave him multiple warm water enemas and was only able to produce urates. he also got a couple shots and he gave charlie some meds for parasites(not exactly sure why). the doc said he is showing signs of illness because he isnt standing the way he should be (how many of us are thrilled to be poked and prodded at the doctors?). the lump in his intestine has only gotten worse in the past few days. its so sad... i feel so bad for the poor little guy. he tries so hard to get it out but it just doesnt happen. ive been giving him 3 warm water baths every day for almost a week now and rubbing his stomach towards his vent but no luck. the doc said that if we dont have any results by monday that ill have to bring him in and leave him for a couple days so he can try to break up the blockage and try to get it out. charlie just isnt acting like himself at all. he's gotten very lazy and isnt eating like he used to although he is still eating some greens and baby food... ive noticed the tip of his tail getting pretty dark and today when he was trying to force it out the tip of his tail actually came off. i showed the doc but he didnt seem very concerned by it. i feel so helpless i wish there was more i could do for him. im just trying to keep him comfortable and hydrated until monday. i just hope he pulls through all this! i wish i knew about that damn desert blend crushed walnut shell so maybe all of this could have been avoided. that stuff is like letting your infant play with household chemicals. it should be banned from stores but instead they advertise it specifically for beardies! i really want to write the company a letter but i know it wont do any good because they could care less... sorry for the long post i just had to get that last bit off my chest im just so upset please keep charlie in your prayers.