Here's Rocky in semi brumation

So you hear me say that I talk to Rocky daily. This is how much I see of him. When the lights go out he sleeps in the hide but he stays in this position most of the day before shuffling. You see that he's happy but i think he just wants to be left alone. What do you think?

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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
So you hear me say that I talk to Rocky daily. This is how much I see of him. When the lights go out he sleeps in the hide but he stays in this position most of the day before shuffling. You see that he's happy but i think he just wants to be left alone. What do you think? View attachment 93350
Yeah they can be cranky during brumation

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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎
It’s been a month since I’ve joined! It feels like it’s been longer than that, but I’m glad I’m here and apart of this lovely community!
I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.

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