Here is a picture of a female dubia laying an egg sack

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Twobeardieguy Sicko
Not sure if anybody ever seen it before so I thought I would post it! :D




Hatchling Member
Ahh i love looking at this kinda stuff before dinner...

Its amazing how long the sack gets hanging out. I've seen females run all around with a long sack, their quite durable actually.

Twobeardieguy Sicko
Original Poster
Sorry to spoil your dinner!! :lol: :wink: And just incase people are saying, I thought they where born live well they are!

Females lay an egg sack, they then pull this sack back into themselves to incubate ovoviviparity.
Gestation is about one month (28 days).
The babies hatch inside the female. Between 20 and 40 live young, each about 2 mm long, are produced in each clutch.

Twobeardieguy Sicko
Original Poster
I just thought that their where some people that would like to see it! I am going to work on getting the labor of the babies now! :wink:


Sub-Adult Member
If you want to see something really cool you should try to catch some video of a male "flaunting" in front of a female. Very cool display.


Sub-Adult Member
Wow, that's awesome!! I hope I get to see that someday :p

I wanna see a male flauting his stuff as well, haha that would be cool to watch :blob8:


Sub-Adult Member
Its really cool to watch every ridge in the egg sack split out with a baby roach. I was cleaning a bin a couple weeks ago and found a separated egg sack that I set aside. I was kind of bummed it was dropped but within a few hours it started to hatch out babies so it was really cool.

Here's a good one. Has anyone else seen two male dubia breeding? Seriously, I reached in to grab one with the tongs and another male was attached, I couldn't believe it. I watched them walk around for a while like that and didn't have the nerve to poke and prod them apart. I assume their body parts are different than most animals otherwise this wouldn't be possible.

Twobeardieguy Sicko
Original Poster
Yea it is pretty nasty! Here is another shot I got today. I just thought it was cool how I got the zoom..





Hatchling Member
Man I have had my adult male and females for 2 mths now and still dont have any babies :banghead: . I have food in the bin 24/7 the temp is about 90-95 and I just cant figure out why. I was told that the females were prego when I got them..

Twobeardieguy Sicko
Original Poster
Do you use water crystals? Also how are you heating the bin and also from the top or bottom? How are you measuring the temp to be sure it is hot enough?


Hatchling Member
Yes they have water crystals and I am heating it with a heat lamp from the side of the bin so that they dont get too much light. I just checked the temp and it is 91.6.
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