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- Beardie name(s)
- Rosy
Hi! My beloved beardie Rosy is a mature beardie, and just had a slight shed from her face. Her colors do sometimes change with a shed, and she’s eating, pooping, and acting normally. Energetic and healthy. But I don’t love the yellow tinge to her mouth. I’m going to get it checked by a vet anyway, just to catch it early if it’s yellow fungus. But I’d love some other opinions on it in the meantime, as I’m panicking. Hahaha. I love my baby girl, and keep her tank clean. But who knows. I just want to see if other beardie owners think this is normal skin coloration change after/during a shed, or if it looks like yellow fungus to them.
Thanks so much, my beardie beautifuls! Appreciate you!
Erica Russell
Thanks so much, my beardie beautifuls! Appreciate you!
Erica Russell