help with zoo med light domes


hello everyone! i just have a question for you all, are any of you having issues with zoo med dual dome fixtures burning out 1 bulb waaaaaaay faster than the other bulb? ive had this issue with my females tank the most often, for example, i put a arcadia 100w in 1 half of the dual dome, less than a month ago and its already burned out. ive had the issue before just never this fast. does anyone else have a suggestion for a different company to get my domes from? oh i should mention that in my males tank i use a dual dome as well and 1 bulb burns out faster than the other in his as well.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Your better off not using a dual dome at all. That is to much heat in one place. Also don't use a dome that is to snug on the bulb that overheats it also.
What is the 2nd bulb in the dome? Is it a coil uvb? If so those are garbage and will harm your beardie. The tube type fixtures are what is needed. I have had issues with the ZooMed tube fixtures. So far the Arcadia t5's have worked out well.


Original Poster
oh no no no, no coil bulbs. its actually a 75w... tho now that you mentioned it, i dont know why i didnt consider the heat of the other bulb could be overheating them. its just i use both at the same time, even with that her basking rock still only reads at about 102f. ive attached a pic of her current setup, the light above her is just a regular lightbulb.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
oh no no no, no coil bulbs. its actually a 75w... tho now that you mentioned it, i dont know why i didnt consider the heat of the other bulb could be overheating them. its just i use both at the same time, even with that her basking rock still only reads at about 102f. ive attached a pic of her current setup, the light above her is just a regular lightbulb.
I would take your log piece or one of the rocks and put it directly under the UVB - 12-15 inches -- what are your temps on the platform shes sitting on in the pic- you want a area cool side of 80's - low 80's - you can use a LED light if you want light on that end of the tank - they give off no heat -- she needs temps of 95-100 for surface basking temps- as far as the domes I would get single domes or you can use the double for a CHE and have it on at night only when the basking bulb is off - but you only need it if the temps in the tank are falling below 65 at nite - temps at night should be 65-75

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
That is a nice looking setup. I do agree with Karrieree, i would give your dragon a way to get closer to the uvb. I generally try to give mine the option to get as close as 10 to 11 inches on the close end. Two of them hang out there, the other two hang out more towards the other end. (Housed separately)

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