help with new beardies

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Extreme Poster
That's good news. Just keep trying with the little one. :) Can you try some fruit baby food too? (or blend your own) I think maybe that may help one who won't eat it (if the little one isn't eating as much) Just a tad to make it taste really good.


Original Poster
yup neither of them liked the idea of me making them eat though lol. drake at a couple dusted crickets today also :D already starting to get chunky


Extreme Poster
chunky is good, LOL

Try feeding a neglected iguana who doesn't want to be bothered (especially when iguanas are scary to you) ;) I'll take a beardie over that any day, LOL


Original Poster
yea the little one feels really week still but the big one drake truley is getting better already. his bones feel stronger, he is moving around, eating a little bit and just looking more happy by the hour! the repti-sun 10.0 really works wonders :D . he is so beautiful two. these dragons must have been spendy because drake is white and red with a little orange and tan, and rajah is orange and black like halloween colors. :D the little ones wound is jealing suoer fast sence i started using the zoo-med reptile wound aid. i have been bathing them alot also like i do with the other 3 to keep them all watered up. the good think is i got both beardies a 100 gallon tank probobly over 100 in tank decor for $30. i ripped the peoiple a new one for even trying to pawn off a sick pet to someone when they need someone with lots of experiance. i think i kinda imbarresed the couple a little bit they went from 100 to 30 real quick lol im just happy they are both noticeable doing a little better in one day ecpecially drake :D you guys are real life savers! drake and rajah thank you!


Original Poster

the bid adult drake is doing so awesome! he is running around actually jumping around most of the time lol and he doesnt shake anymore when he walks. he has a black beard most of the time but it might be because he is with my female. they love each other lol. its so cute the fallow each other around and sleep next to each other and eat together. it really is to cute. but the tille one is still in bad shape. he is so thin and cant pick up his body, he has to drag himself. its so sad. his wound is healing rapidly so hopefully after its all healed in a few more days he will be back to health again or atleast more active. i keep him right under the uvb and basking lights 99% of the time so he can get stronger and i have mixed some squash baby food and some calcium powder together and got a plastic tip syring and they eat that most of the time. especially drake! hopefully the little one rajah will be better soon but im supprised how good drake is doing :D thanks all

here is some pics! :

rajahs wound -

rajah again -

drake -

drake again -


Sub-Adult Member
Hi...please, please, do not put your male & female together. They are still too small and not healthy enough to be gravid. It will take too much out of the already unhealthy female and could cause her death. I would wait for at least a year before allowing her to have eggs.
Good luck


Original Poster
its the male thats not all the way healthy, my female is probobly one of the most healthy beardies i have ever seen. there gonna have to be caged together untill i can get something else anyways. the male is getting so much better so fast! the little one is showing some improvement today to and his wound after only 4 days is almost healed up!


Sub-Adult Member
Hi...Sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying you were putting the 2 new ones together!
Sounds like you are doing a good job. Some take longer to heal than others. I will keep them in my prayers.
Good luck


Original Poster
UPDATE : Rahjah the wounded one is all healed up to were it isnt a crator anymore, just on the surface. and he actually picked himself up and started walking around today!!!!! :blob5: :blob5: :blob5: and drake the big male is turning into a fatty :D but still not going for any live food, i have had to keep the force feeding for a week or 2. and they both love the bath unlike puff! they are both getting way way more healthy! reptisun 10.0 works wonders! thank you all so much for the help
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LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
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happy birthday :)

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