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I have a baby bearded dragon... She is 5" andMy scale broke so I am waiting for the new one... Idk what she weighs but how much should she typically weigh for this size... I don't know how old she is but I have had her for 1 month. The person I got her from said she was 4 weeks already but it doesn't seem right considering she is only 5" and should be bigger for 8 weeks.

I also wanted to know how often she should be shedding? she has once so far in the month I have a had her. When should she shed again? I want to make sure she sheds as often as she should. I don't want her to get sick or hurt herself if she doesn't shed and it cuts off circulation... How can I make her shed? There isn't any skin pealing yet so she isn't shedding yet but if she doesn't soon how can I make her?

Also I have an older dragon who I though was shedding but he became kind of dark colored and hasn't shed... what do you think it means? Why is he darker than normal?? He hasn't shed for months. (I got him from a cousin I don't talk to much so idk much about him but from pictures hes never this dark should I take him to a vet? is he stressed? I need a little help with these two...)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

She wont shed until she grows enough to warrant the promoting of shedding.
What are you feeding her & how much do you feed her?
Which UVB light do you use, a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
At 5 inches, does that not include the tail? She wont weigh much at that length, maybe 30-40 grams at the most.
Do you have any pictures of her?



Original Poster
its five inches WITH her tail. from nose to tip of tail. I use a tube not coil bulb. I feed her phoenix worms she usually only eats one or two medium ones a day and about 8 small crickets a day also when she wont eat those ill give her chicken and squash baby food.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

She is still very young then. They grow at varying rates though.
Which UVB light are you using? Which brand do you have, the Reptisun or the Reptiglo?
If she is not eating well, then you can use the chicken or turkey baby food to supplement her food intake.
What are the temperatures in the tank for her?

Do you have them housed separately?
What is his set up like, which UVB do you use for him? Does he eat very much right now?
The older dragons don't shed as much as the younger dragons do.

Do you have pictures of them both?



Original Poster
Pictures wont download to my computer to load. and reptiglo. I realize NOW theyre bad so im going to get reptisun. The older one is 4 and hasn't shed for months... he never really she often even when he was a baby. and yes she is very young. no they are not housed together he would eat her and they should b separate anyway lol. I try baby food and she only eats a little bit.
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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.
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