- Beardie name(s)
- Buddy Boy The Bearded Beetlebelly Squiggles
I went on a holiday to see some of my family in another country. While I was there, I visited my aunts house and her son had a bearded dragon. I really wanted to see his beardie , but when I did... I literally cried. He was a German Giant bearded dragon, and he was housed in a tiny starters tank. There was a bath that was full of poo, and there was a plate full of vegetables entirely covered in fruit flies.That wasn't the worst of it, though. The bearded dragon himself had a VERY severe case of metabolic bone disease. Look at this youtube video:
he was nearly exaclty like that, except that his tongue wasn't hanging out all the time and he could still walk ( with a limp) I am about 100 percent sure it was MBD. When I asked my cousin if he fed the bearded dragon reptile calcium, he said no. He also said no when I asked him if he changed the UVB every 6 monthes. He was originally smuggled from Europe and somehow my aunt ended up with him. When he was smugled they say he already had it. He also has a basking light that gives of red light at night, so he can't sleep properly. My cousin is coming over for a holiday, so what should I tell him? Is there anyway to cure metabolic bone disease?