Help Please! Gravid dragon basking. Won’t dig. Sunken fat pads. Keeps making lower movements.


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She has been basking all day. She won’t dig. She keeps making sharp movements near her butt and pelvis. I can’t tell if she is adjusting or not. She won’t eat today. Her fat pads have been looking sunken since she started running. I thought it was from shedding. But, today her tail fat pads don’t look so great either. I’m very confused.

She just pooped an egg came out too.
I syringed 6 ml of reptaboost in her mouth. Which should be all she needs for the day. At least if she wasn’t gravid. I gave her a bath earlier. She drank water in it. She only stayed in there for 3 minutes though. Now I’m just letting her rest I. The basking like she wants. Im hoping to bring her to the vet tomorrow.


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She might have had to poo because you fed her so much while she was digging + trying to lay. It's odd that she dug so much but then laid them out in the open but it's probably because she had so many hornworms and other food. BTW, don't feed so much fruit, the sugar is not good for them. Other than that I guess she did what she had to do and will continue, no need to worry. No more food today, it's late and she needs to either finish laying or get some rest.
Ok, thank you very much. I’m having trouble getting her to want greens right now. I will try to hand her one. She opens her mouth a sliver. Then, closes it. It might be me? Because she ate greens by herself like 5 minutes later. She wiggled a couple times in the middle of the night. I know she needs to get something out. Should I give her a bath? I’m scared it’s stuck. Thought I saw a bit of an egg as she was squeezing. Then, it went back in. She is a little weak in the legs. And her butt is very stretched. Would it be ok to take her laybox out yet? Also, is mango a fruit? Because when I looked it up it said I could give it to her a few times a week. I think she likes carrot a lot. But, I gave her a lot last week. And I don’t know if it is safe for her to have more.
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Ok, thank you very much. I’m having trouble getting her to want greens right now. I will try to hand her one. She opens her mouth a sliver. Then, closes it. It might be me? Because she ate greens by herself like 5 minutes later. She wiggled a couple times in the middle of the night. I know she needs to get something out. Should I give her a bath? I’m scared it’s stuck. Thought I saw a bit of an egg as she was squeezing. Then, it went back in. She is a little weak in the legs. And her butt is very stretched. Would it be ok to take her laybox out yet? Also, is mango a fruit? Because when I looked it up it said I could give it to her a few times a week. I think she likes carrot a lot. But, I gave her a lot last week. And I don’t know if it is safe for her to have more.
She was wanting around for a bit. She walked very well while doing that. She pooped out a urate and an egg. So, that’s good. Her vent opening is very stretched after doing that. I looked up the mango again. I don’t know where I found few times a week. But, all I found this time was not to give it at all. Is it ok to give carrot? she ate it last on Wednesday. Sometimes when I hand her greens she mouth gapes at me. And doesn’t take it. Does anyone know why that is?
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Hello, today she gaped a few times when I tried to hand her a green. Mostly a sliver. One time it was an actual gape. She also gaped after she ran off the basking and grabbed a green and swallowed it. She gaped a sliver on her basking just in general. And I took her out in her carrier to clean her tank. And she gaped in there once. Is this too much? I thought with the greens she was mad I put it in her face. But, I’m concerned it’s too much.


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Hello, today she gaped a few times when I tried to hand her a green. Mostly a sliver. One time it was an actual gape. She also gaped after she ran off the basking and grabbed a green and swallowed it. She gaped a sliver on her basking just in general. And I took her out in her carrier to clean her tank. And she gaped in there once. Is this too much? I thought with the greens she was mad I put it in her face. But, I’m concerned it’s too much.
The only other time she gaped was when she was basking. She was basking a lot though. So, she gaped quite a bit. She didn’t do it when she was off the basking. Her breathing looked fine. Today, I gave her 2 hornworms. They were quite big. I’m not sure when to start giving her less. She started eating better. She looked excited for the food. And she was quite energized. She ate greens with butternut squash multiple times on her own. Her butt looks less stretched and she was walking good.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That's great she got all of her eggs laid, so hopefully now she can get some rest.
If she ate a little bit today, that will help with her nutrition. She needs some rest right now, so if she doesn't eat much for a few days I wouldn't worry about it.



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That's great she got all of her eggs laid, so hopefully now she can get some rest.
If she ate a little bit today, that will help with her nutrition. She needs some rest right now, so if she doesn't eat much for a few days I wouldn't worry about it.

Ok, thank you very much! She pooped today. It was really just a urate. She ate ok. She loved her bugs. And she ate her greens enthusiastically most of the time. She just didn’t grab any on her own. I’m not sure when to stop giving her extra calcium. And when I should lower how much hornworms to give her.
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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How long have you been giving extra calcium? I would say you should continue with extra calcium for
several weeks, but just monitor her urates to be sure they aren't too hard.
Does she need to gain much weight? Most adults take 30 or 40 varied insects weekly. However that
will vary depending on the type & size of insect you give, also.
Keep an eye on her weight to determine how & when to adjust her weight. She will most likely scale
down her eating once she catches up.



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How long have you been giving extra calcium? I would say you should continue with extra calcium for
several weeks, but just monitor her urates to be sure they aren't too hard.
Does she need to gain much weight? Most adults take 30 or 40 varied insects weekly. However that
will vary depending on the type & size of insect you give, also.
Keep an eye on her weight to determine how & when to adjust her weight. She will most likely scale
down her eating once she catches up.

Hello, I’ve been giving her extra calcium for 3 days after she laid her eggs. And probably a few days before she laid her eggs. I was doing a lot of extra for 2 days. But, I was trying to lower how much extra. I don’t think she needs to gain much weight. She looks bigger now. Then, when she had eggs. I’ll give her extra insects for now though. So, I can also give her extra calcium on the crickets. I normally give 7 crickets with calcium 3 days a week. Would it be good to change it to 10 calcium crickets 3 days a week. And 2 calcium crickets the other 4 days. Or should I do more or less? Thank you very much!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That amount of calcium should be fine, short term. You can back off after a few weeks. I hope that
she doesn't lay more eggs but it is possible.
You can offer that amount of insects, & if she is hungry she will eat that much. Just watch her weight
to be sure she doesn't gain too much weight. Use your best judgement on her weight & how she is
looking as to when deciding when to reduce her food.



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That amount of calcium should be fine, short term. You can back off after a few weeks. I hope that
she doesn't lay more eggs but it is possible.
You can offer that amount of insects, & if she is hungry she will eat that much. Just watch her weight
to be sure she doesn't gain too much weight. Use your best judgement on her weight & how she is
looking as to when deciding when to reduce her food.

Ok, thank you very much! Today I noticed you can see a bit of her inner lip. Where there should be outer lip. Very small amount. I think it might be because of the syringe feeding. I haven’t done it in a while though. Is this ok?


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It might be a bit damaged by the syringe feeding, but not too bad. You can try putting some raw unpasteurized honey on it to help clear that up.



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Hello, I think she might be gravid again. She doesn’t want her greens at the moment. So, I was trying to give her extra crickets and hornworms. The crickets had vitamins and calcium. She ate it fine. Until later in the day. She didn’t want her cricket. And she was reluctant on taking a small hornworm. Is this normal for gravid bearded dragons? She isn’t heavy digging right now. She is running around a lot. And dug 5 times in the morning. Or is something wrong? Or is she full? She had 9 crickets and 6 hornworms. 5 were like medium. And one was really small.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I hope she isn't gravid again. How long has it been since her last clutch?
It sounds like she might have just had enough to eat & didn't want anything else to eat.
As long as she isn't losing weight then that amount of food sounds fine. You should be
able to tell pretty soon if she is gravid again if she starts to gain weight or acts like she
wants to dig again.



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I hope she isn't gravid again. How long has it been since her last clutch?
It sounds like she might have just had enough to eat & didn't want anything else to eat.
As long as she isn't losing weight then that amount of food sounds fine. You should be
able to tell pretty soon if she is gravid again if she starts to gain weight or acts like she
wants to dig again.

It has been a little over 3 weeks since her last clutch. She likes to take her time digging though. So far she has been running a lot till bedtime. She has dug too. Not very much yesterday though. Thank you very much!!!

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