My bearded dragon has recently come down with YFD. I was looking around here a bit, and am currently feeding her blended collards and mustard greens with strawberries (i dust her food 3 times a week.) I have also fed her waxworms and chicken baby food (per the instructions of a post here) I am aware that fruit should not be fed everyday, and will alter the diet day by day accordingly. She is 12 inches and only 400-500 grams. She has rapidly lost weight because she refuses to eat. The syringes i have go up to 5ml. How should i portion the greens and baby food, do i increase or decrease dusting due to the disease? and also, how should i portion the water and how often should i feed her. Diet advice is also appreciated. Im new to this site, i apologize if i've messed anything up in this post.