Help I broke the basking light! Dang!

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MrSpectrum":bwwsvxml said:
Something to keep in mind... I have my basking flood at an angle to the basking surface. This gives a wider range of basking temps, and is another way to control temps in addition to wattage and moving the bulb height above surface.

I've seen your viv, very nice. For now Petey is in a 40br so have to work with what we have. After several adjustments, he was steady at 97.9F an hour before lights out. Checking and adjusting his lights when needed, is the norm for me. Lately the warmer temps have caused me to have to adjust his light or it'll be too hot. Sometimes, I just have to fold his towel back on his lid to keep it under control. Will definitely look into a thermostat and dimmer. Today I have to pull his timer and reset it, guessing I messed up the setting when I dropped it yesterday working on his light. Had to turn off and on by hand last night and this morning. Always something.?


Gray-bearded Member
DragonPete":31ja9087 said:
For now Petey is in a 40br so have to work with what we have. After several adjustments, he was steady at 97.9F an hour before lights out. Checking and adjusting his lights when needed, is the norm for me.
That's pretty much what I went through when Z was in a sterilite tub (while I was finishing up the enclosure) for a couple weeks, and the lighting was directly overhead. That got to be a pain, so I clamped a clamp work light to a board, and leaned it against one end of the tub, sliding it up or down, and bracing it with a brick. This is how I figured out the angle thing (though it should have occurred to me anyway).

A reptile dome light can also be tilted at an angle--maybe just a little imagination to support it on top of the screen. The point is, once your hot point is established, Petey can bask there or slightly offset if he prefers something cooler without constant adjustments. Might require a little shifting of decor, but it's doable.


Sub-Adult Member
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MrSpectrum":305cazgg said:
DragonPete":305cazgg said:
For now Petey is in a 40br so have to work with what we have. After several adjustments, he was steady at 97.9F an hour before lights out. Checking and adjusting his lights when needed, is the norm for me.
That's pretty much what I went through when Z was in a sterilite tub (while I was finishing up the enclosure) for a couple weeks, and the lighting was directly overhead. That got to be a pain, so I clamped a clamp work light to a board, and leaned it against one end of the tub, sliding it up or down, and bracing it with a brick. This is how I figured out the angle thing (though it should have occurred to me anyway).

A reptile dome light can also be tilted at an angle--maybe just a little imagination to support it on top of the screen. The point is, once your hot point is established, Petey can bask there or slightly offset if he prefers something cooler without constant adjustments. Might require a little shifting of decor, but it's doable.

Petey's basking light is in a brooder dome, on a lamp stand which is highly adjustable thank goodness! For now the halogen house bulb is doing fine. Haven't even tried the new flood light I have. His basking probe was reading 102+F so I raised it slightly. Half inch either way seems to take care of it. Ambient temp on cool side 74.4F and basking spot at 98.6 now, so we're good. Will be glad when I have better viv for him.
Thanks for your input.
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