
Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
My 5 year old male beardie just fell off the table. My brother was watching him and couldn't get to him in time. We think he has a respitory infection and we're trying to get him into the vet. His breaths are raspy and he keeps making coughing noises. What should I do?

@xp29 @Drache613

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Is his beard black? It's possible a RI - Is he favoring any of his limbs? What kind of surface did he fall on? How far did he fall?

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
My 5 year old male beardie just fell off the table. My brother was watching him and couldn't get to him in time. We think he has a respitory infection and we're trying to get him into the vet. His breaths are raspy and he keeps making coughing noises. What should I do?

@xp29 @Drache613
Get him to a vet asap, make sure they understand the situation and that it's an emergency.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Is his beard black? It's possible a RI - Is he favoring any of his limbs? What kind of surface did he fall on? How far did he fall?
It is not. He seems fine and he is not favoring any limbs. He fell on hardwood floor and probably about 4-5 feet?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
It is not. He seems fine and he is not favoring any limbs. He fell on hardwood floor and probably about 4-5 feet?
its good hes not showing a black beard -- if he was in pain or distress that would be the first sign --- next his eating would be off and he would not be moving around very good --- do you have an appt for the RI ?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sorry this happened to your dragon. It's good to hear his beard isn't dark right now. I'm glad to hear he isn't favoring any of his limbs either, so hopefully he hasn't hurt himself from the fall.
How long has he been breathing been a bit raspy?
I would check his temperatures to be sure they are optimal for basking & health. Keep him a little warmer overnight, to help boost his system. You might need to get him into the vet if he has the symptoms of a respiratory infection.



Hatchling Member
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We have gotten a vet appointment scheduled for today at 3. The vet told us that he will have to have injections for the RI. I'm so nervous for my little guy! :C


Hatchling Member
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I went to the vet yesterday and the vet has decided to treat him with injections for the respiratory infection. She also said that it could be heart disease... If the medications don't help with anything that means it's heart disease. I don't know what to do. I haven't even had him for a whole year and I'm already super attached. He's my baby... I can't imagine what I'd do if he passed away. She told us that heart disease is caused by genetics, not anything we did/didn't do. She also told us that there is no treatment for heart disease and that the only options would be to keep him comfortable and wait for him to pass or to put him down.

@xp29 @Drache613 @KarrieRee

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa

I went to the vet yesterday and the vet has decided to treat him with injections for the respiratory infection. She also said that it could be heart disease... If the medications don't help with anything that means it's heart disease. I don't know what to do. I haven't even had him for a whole year and I'm already super attached. He's my baby... I can't imagine what I'd do if he passed away. She told us that heart disease is caused by genetics, not anything we did/didn't do. She also told us that there is no treatment for heart disease and that the only options would be to keep him comfortable and wait for him to pass or to put him down.

@xp29 @Drache613 @KarrieRee
I'll be sending prayers his way, hopefully it isn't anything as serious as the vet is saying. Unless your vet is trained specifically in reptiles and is experienced with them, I would probably seek a 2nd opinion. Personally I've been to several vets that claim to work with reptiles only to find out that even though the are willing to look at them, they have little to no training for reptiles. I literally saw one of them using google to research. Sadly a veterinarian office is a business like any other and their chief concern is revenue. So if they can charge 77.00 dollars (what my vet charges) for an office visit to spend 5 minutes looking at a lizard and saying yup looks healthy to me or oh it needs an antibiotic and thats another 100 dollars, its easy money for them.
Disclaimer: Before I get burned down by the public at large, I know not all vets are like that and some genuinely care. BUT unfortunately those vets are the exception not the norm.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I'll be sending prayers his way, hopefully it isn't anything as serious as the vet is saying. Unless your vet is trained specifically in reptiles and is experienced with them, I would probably seek a 2nd opinion. Personally I've been to several vets that claim to work with reptiles only to find out that even though the are willing to look at them, they have little to no training for reptiles. I literally saw one of them using google to research. Sadly a veterinarian office is a business like any other and their chief concern is revenue. So if they can charge 77.00 dollars (what my vet charges) for an office visit to spend 5 minutes looking at a lizard and saying yup looks healthy to me or oh it needs an antibiotic and thats another 100 dollars, its easy money for them.
Disclaimer: Before I get burned down by the public at large, I know not all vets are like that and some genuinely care. BUT unfortunately those vets are the exception not the norm.
Our vet has been doing exotic pet/reptile medicine for over 20 years. She didn't charge us for the visit, only for the medicine. She is a lovely lady and I trust her very much. My dad does lots of research on our vets because of his birds. Thank you for the prayers.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Our vet has been doing exotic pet/reptile medicine for over 20 years. She didn't charge us for the visit, only for the medicine. She is a lovely lady and I trust her very much. My dad does lots of research on our vets because of his birds. Thank you for the prayers.
That's fantastic, it's really hard to find a good reptile vet, so your lucky to have one you can trust!
Please keep us updated on how treatment goes. And hopefully it's something simple and curable.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
That's fantastic, it's really hard to find a good reptile vet, so your lucky to have one you can trust!
Please keep us updated on how treatment goes. And hopefully it's something simple and curable.
I will keep y'all updated! His next injection is on Thursday. We have 7 more to go and it's 1 every 48 hrs. 25 gauge needle too 😵

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I will keep y'all updated! His next injection is on Thursday. We have 7 more to go and it's 1 every 48 hrs. 25 gauge needle too 😵
Poor little guy 😔 but if it makes him all better it will be worth it.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is terrific you have found a great vet! As mentioned, it is so hard to find a good exotic vet who
actually treats reptiles & is caring.
I hope he isn't seriously ill, poor thing! It is no fun to give injections at all, but they are very effective
at helping respiratory issues most of the time. Which antibiotic is he on?
I certainly hope that he doesn't have any heart issues though. Please keep us posted on how he is



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
It is no fun to give injections at all, but they are very effective
at helping respiratory issues most of the time. Which antibiotic is he on?
The vet put him on Ceftazidime. We are supposed to give him 0.1 ml every 48 hours for a total of 8 injections. Today his 2 out of 8 injections. @Drache613

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