I'll be sending prayers his way, hopefully it isn't anything as serious as the vet is saying. Unless your vet is trained specifically in reptiles and is experienced with them, I would probably seek a 2nd opinion. Personally I've been to several vets that claim to work with reptiles only to find out that even though the are willing to look at them, they have little to no training for reptiles. I literally saw one of them using google to research. Sadly a veterinarian office is a business like any other and their chief concern is revenue. So if they can charge 77.00 dollars (what my vet charges) for an office visit to spend 5 minutes looking at a lizard and saying yup looks healthy to me or oh it needs an antibiotic and thats another 100 dollars, its easy money for them.
Disclaimer: Before I get burned down by the public at large, I know not all vets are like that and some genuinely care. BUT unfortunately those vets are the exception not the norm.