Hello everyone! This is my new beardie, Douglas. Picked him up last Thursday, apparently he is around 8 months old. This is our first bearded dragon and we absolutely adore the little guy! He has a very laid back temperamant, is very inquisitve and exceptionally greedy! 
I got back from work today to be greeted by this.... "Feed me now mum!"
Whilst mum was preparing his bugs he fell to sleep...
Douggie certainly isn't camera shy. In fact, he's quite the poser!
Aside from eating locusts, Douggies favourite thing to do is bask, and sleep... and bask a little more... It's a hard life

I got back from work today to be greeted by this.... "Feed me now mum!"

Whilst mum was preparing his bugs he fell to sleep...

Douggie certainly isn't camera shy. In fact, he's quite the poser!

Aside from eating locusts, Douggies favourite thing to do is bask, and sleep... and bask a little more... It's a hard life