Just wondering what people think is the best way to heat your dubia roach colony. I just ordered some dubias and should be getting them this week. I live in Florida and am planning on keeping them in a closet, the house temp is set to be around 75 degrees on average so it would be best if I gave them some additional heat source right? I looked around the board and some websites and saw a few ideas for heating like heat tape and undertank heaters and stuff like that but ive never used any type of heat source like that other than my light bulbs for the bearded dragons. So im just wondering what would be best for me to use and were can i get one? Thanks in advance for the help.
Just wondering what people think is the best way to heat your dubia roach colony. I just ordered some dubias and should be getting them this week. I live in Florida and am planning on keeping them in a closet, the house temp is set to be around 75 degrees on average so it would be best if I gave them some additional heat source right? I looked around the board and some websites and saw a few ideas for heating like heat tape and undertank heaters and stuff like that but ive never used any type of heat source like that other than my light bulbs for the bearded dragons. So im just wondering what would be best for me to use and were can i get one? Thanks in advance for the help.