He has a swollen shoulder/ pad


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I just noticed his shoulder/pad is swollen and the other is not. Now, I feel guilty because I didn't see it before.

I have silkworms and hornworms coming in.
A black cherry powder supplement, calcium, vitamin liquids coming. Powders galore from bearded dragon. co.
I gave him some silkworm enzyme.
I will be alerting his vet tomorrow.


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I will. I'm just glad I got the x-ray. I gave him one dose of the pain relief. I'll keep an eye on him the next few days. Hopefully, the pain relief will work and help him. He ate a little bit of his greens. Then in the middle, he batted my hand away. He didn't want anymore. I gave him some syringe water, kidney function powder, silkworm enzyme, and liquid calcium after his pain relief.


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I thinks it's funny/cute when they bat at you. My big male will do it occasionally if I'm irritating him lol. (Mostly when I'm trying to clean hornworm splatter off his face) They are ticklish right where their back legs join the body (on the back side) mine will kick me more times than not if i tickle them there. It's a riot lol 😆. (it's also a good way to encourage them to move forward, like when they are half in their habitat and half in your hand and don't want to go on in)


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I noticed a change in his activity since one dose of Meloxicam. Before he had aches and pains, he used to play a game. He would go to his grandma, climb on her, then come back to me, then back to her. This time, he couldn't wait to go into the tub for a bath/ shower. He waited patiently for me to clear the bottom of the shower pan, clear it out, and set him down. Let him take a 'shower/ bath'.
Gave me a decent sized poop and small little urate. Poop formed, and urate soft and not hard.


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I check on him throughout the night. (Worrywart Mommy here)
This is him, sleeping on his bed, near his bunny rabbit lovee. I haven't seen him sprawl out his legs in so long. I wonder if he had a bad dream about the x-ray machine because he was sleeping soundly on me, when he woke up and looked around to see where he was. I don't know what the vet's machine looked like. But, I guess he got nervous.


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He looks zoonked 🙂
He was exhausted.
This was after I put him on his pillow bed last night and went to check on him. He was all sprawled out.
I think they're capable of having nightmares or bad dreams. When he was cuddling on me, he fell asleep, then jumped awake and inhaled deeply. Looking around.


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I agree, my new male started like that a few nights ago and actually took off. Luckily he didn't go to far cause that lil dude is insanely fast.


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Don't know what he dreamed about. But, I called the vet asking for a copy of the x-ray. I want to share it with my Mom so she can look at it to see what his bones look like.


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It doesn't surprise me. They called him an Iggy. lol.
But, here's the x-rays. X-Ray 1 is his head and leg. (I guess where it was swollen, but doesn't show on here.) X-ray 2- whole body view. X-Ray 3 another whole body view.


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BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I've mentioned it before, but beardie xrays are the creepiest AND coolest thing i ever see. For whatever reason they fascinate me lol 😆

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