He can't let popo

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New member
I dont know what happened with him, I feed him with 9 waxwarms
and then he was gutty, i guess he couldn't digestive his food
now he is still like this and a tried to gave him some water and lettice but he doesn't improve.
i'll be waiting for you guys.
i dont know nothing abouth lizards just my roomate left and now i have a new pet that i loved but i dont know how can help him.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That many waxies can cause stomach upset.
How is he doing this evening? Has he gone to the bathroom yet?
If not, you can get some water & pedialyte & mix that up. Get a plastic dropper to try & get some oral fluids into him, to help with hydration.
Can you bathe him? Sometimes massaging on the belly, starting at the armpit on the right side, all of the way down to the vent area, gently, can help them get things moving through better. Make sure the water is fairly warm but not hot.
If you have some olive oil you can use just a COUPLE of drops in with some sugar free applesauce & the fluids to help him out with any impaction he might have.
It may take him a few days to start feeling better though. Do you have the temperatures all correct for him?



New member
Original Poster
I dont know if we have the correct temperature for him but he looks healty, he jumps, runs everyday and sleep well
how many times per week should he popo???
should i bathe him??? and how??

Drache613":b6bd1 said:

That many waxies can cause stomach upset.
How is he doing this evening? Has he gone to the bathroom yet?
If not, you can get some water & pedialyte & mix that up. Get a plastic dropper to try & get some oral fluids into him, to help with hydration.
Can you bathe him? Sometimes massaging on the belly, starting at the armpit on the right side, all of the way down to the vent area, gently, can help them get things moving through better. Make sure the water is fairly warm but not hot.
If you have some olive oil you can use just a COUPLE of drops in with some sugar free applesauce & the fluids to help him out with any impaction he might have.
It may take him a few days to start feeling better though. Do you have the temperatures all correct for him?

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