Hatchlings with bacterial infection?

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Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can give me some insight on what's going on with these hatchlings? They are 3 weeks old. They aren't as active as usual hatchlings and today I noticed a couple of them developing what seems like a white fungus/infection on their backs. At first I had thought maybe it was calcium dust but upon further investigation it does not brush off.

I've also seen a couple of them itch themselves on their basking rock.

The setup is very simple, a bin lined with paper towel for easy cleaning to ensure everything is healthy/sanitary. basking spot of 95-105 depending on the time of day. And a reptisun 10.0 t5HO.

These babies hatched earlier than they were supposed to, which is why they are so much smaller =( My thermostat read the correct temperature in the incubator, but the egg tray was 3 degrees higher than what it read. This may attribute to them having weaker immune systems.

Anyone know what it could be and how to treat it? Topical antibacterial ointment?




BD.org Sicko
Hi there...they are pretty little things ! They just look a bit dry and might even be heading toward a first shed. They look like they could use a little extra hydration though. Do you spray them any ? I've always sprayed my hatchlings twice daily , they drink as they're being sprayed. No babies ever had any trouble shedding, and it doesn't raise the humidity too much as long as you sop up the excess water. But I don't think there's any fungal or bacterial problem....spraying may help them out though.


Original Poster
Thanks for your prompt reply!

I do spray them, half an hour after they wake up/warmed up a bi and again in the late afternoon

It's not cloudy as shed would be. The white seems like a powder. :cry:


BD.org Sicko
I've seen that type of dryness before though....I'm quite sure it's not serious. How close is the T5 UVB ? I don't know if it could cause the drying skin if it's too close.


BD.org Sicko
I just wanted to add that the little guy in the first pic looks unwell. Is he eating much ? He might benefit from some hand feeding or baby food with a bit of extra water in it.


Original Poster
no, which is why i'm quite worried =(
I'm going to be giving some babyfood and pedialyte baths. They seem interested in the dubia and crickets but they cant pick it up and get frustrated/give up.


BD.org Sicko
You might also try squishing a small prey item so the guts come out a bit and rub it lightly on their snouts. They will often eat that way so give it a try.


Original Poster
They are eating dubia nymphs now. But have a very hard time trying to catch them? They hit the dubia but don't seem to understand how to pick them up.

I've also noticed on some of them that they get food remnants stuck between their teeth and lips?


BD.org Sicko
Is that all of the baby dragons or just the " off" ones you have pictured ? Make sure the bugs are slow moving , small and close by. Or hand feed them until they get some strength/coordination.
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