I ordered my "beginner" supplies from Beautiful Dragons. I understand you only need about a 400x magnification to identify most of the organisms. She sells the float kits and fecal solution and instructions with pictures of what you're looking for. I figure its a cheap alternative with 5 dragons so I can do it more often and seek a vets help for medications or if I find something of concern.
I still wonder about what is acceptable and what is not as far as healthy levels of certain parasites. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I don't want to freak out about something I found and later find out its normal, or worse, the opposite. And I would always consult my vet for confirmation and medications.
There are many high quality student microscopes available that are fairly cheap so I think it's a good investment with quick return. A local breeder gave me the idea when I asked her if there was a vet around that did fecals without charging for an office visit. She said she did her own so I figured it coldn't be too hard to learn and BeautifulDragons.com has everything to help you learn.