

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
So I have had my beardie for a while now. Loves veggies. Eats his dubias. Proper lighting. Poops regularly. But for some reason when I try to handle him. I can't? He goes crazy and try's to jump on something and hide. It's not a stressful place i take him to, I take him out the tank normally but he just freaks out..tips?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
So I have had my beardie for a while now. Loves veggies. Eats his dubias. Proper lighting. Poops regularly. But for some reason when I try to handle him. I can't? He goes crazy and try's to jump on something and hide. It's not a stressful place i take him to, I take him out the tank normally but he just freaks out..tips?
If you pick it up inside the terrarium and it is calm, then maybe the problem is outside. It might be scared by something in your room. For example, a ceiling fan, it looks like a bird that attacks from above. Look closely, maybe you will determine what might scare it.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
If you pick it up inside the terrarium and it is calm, then maybe the problem is outside. It might be scared by something in your room. For example, a ceiling fan, it looks like a bird that attacks from above. Look closely, maybe you will determine what might scare it.
I take him to my bathroom. It's pretty plain so idk


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)

Bathroom... I could think of towels and mirrors (mirror on the wall, also typical bathroom items like toilet paper holder or other things with a shiny, mirror-like surface).
Regarding towels: My dragon had a fear of anything that's like clothes on hangers, on drying racks, towels, likely because it's somewhat like bird wings. Now he's an adult and is fine with it, even if I put in a whole drying rack full of black t-shirts from the balcony, or hang a jacket over a chair.
(For mirrors, the fear is obvious. But my dragon hadn't seen one until he was close to a year old, and is (of course!) not regularly exposed to mirrors.)

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