Handles ... what is the meaning of this?!?!?! 😁


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
As the title says, what is the meaning behind your handle?
Disclaimer: this is for fun, please do not divulge personal info.
Xp29: I'm a mechanic and a car guy, I have been my entire life. Xp29 is the beginning of the vin number of my favorite car. It tells me everything important about the car. Which happens to be a 1969 big block Dodge R/T Charger with the roof wings. (The P denotes premium, which is the only model with roof wings). So what is the story behind your handle 🤔 😀


Hatchling Member
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I bet family reunions are a hoot lol.
To be honest my mom has been married several times, and my dad remarried once. So If I look at it from that perspective, I've had 8 or 9 step siblings and have 2 full sisters and a 1/2 brother to.
I was only ever close with Misty from dads 2nd marriage though so I never think to count the rest.
Family reunions, crazy enough, don't happen for that side of the family! We actually don't see each other very often! Those that are married in or adults do their own thing; as for the two that are blood to me, they live with me; for the rest of them they are actually adopted by another family. On the other side of the family (which is also HUGE) family reunions are a yearly occurrence and absolutely insane!

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