Guarding her treasures while sleeping.


Juvie Member
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MY precious!


Sub-Adult Member
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Mine can also do that - we proudly present: The Guardian of the Golliwog!
(Not much left. It's by the tail. Saw him doing that often.)


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Sub-Adult Member
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Yes :) And he's only using this cave (it's one out of three to four caves, depending on what counts as a cave) since he's gotten that big - really never before an age of more than a year old. Likely this cave, it's the biggest one he has, wasn't narrow enough and he didn't felt safe enough in it. Now he's sleeping in there regularly.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa

Yes :) And he's only using this cave (it's one out of three to four caves, depending on what counts as a cave) since he's gotten that big - really never before an age of more than a year old. Likely this cave, it's the biggest one he has, wasn't narrow enough and he didn't felt safe enough in it. Now he's sleeping in there regularly.
They definitely have preferences, likes, dislikes, ect. They can be downright opinionated lol 😆


Sub-Adult Member
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They definitely have preferences, likes, dislikes, ect. They can be downright opinionated lol 😆
And I have the impression he can trade off benefits of something, like a sleeping spot.
There is a deep burrow where the light only reaches him when he comes out partially. He chooses this when he's less active (also did so for brumation), and when the next day is going to be a bit more cloudy and cooler. There are two where the light from the lamps will hit him as soon as it switches on, without him having to move (this large cave is one of them; it might have the downside of being very open, but at the same time he has a wide angle of view from there). And then, about once per week, he decides to sleep up there on the highest "board" of the climbing background, just right at a basking spot - makes him active super early. Rarely he does this two days in a row, then day three he is very tired and goes sleeping early :D

I think showing such a behavior is also very important for them in the wild. To choose appropriate sleeping spots - hidden deep down is best when the next day is going to be less warm, as helps against being pulled out by predators while still being cold; and when you're already bigger and spikier and not an easy prey anymore, a cave where you might be a bit more exposed, but on the other hand easily can see your surroundings is also a good choice for typical days.

He has the habit of burrowing his hands and feet in the sand when settling down for going to sleeps. He's going in there often 1 - 2 hours before actually sleeping, watches us, then burrows hands and feet, stays awake for a bit and then sleeps.
There is a rounded stone under his head, this is why it looks so bulky :D Head is positioned on that, then beard extended a bit softly :D

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
And I have the impression he can trade off benefits of something, like a sleeping spot.
There is a deep burrow where the light only reaches him when he comes out partially. He chooses this when he's less active (also did so for brumation), and when the next day is going to be a bit more cloudy and cooler. There are two where the light from the lamps will hit him as soon as it switches on, without him having to move (this large cave is one of them; it might have the downside of being very open, but at the same time he has a wide angle of view from there). And then, about once per week, he decides to sleep up there on the highest "board" of the climbing background, just right at a basking spot - makes him active super early. Rarely he does this two days in a row, then day three he is very tired and goes sleeping early :D

I think showing such a behavior is also very important for them in the wild. To choose appropriate sleeping spots - hidden deep down is best when the next day is going to be less warm, as helps against being pulled out by predators while still being cold; and when you're already bigger and spikier and not an easy prey anymore, a cave where you might be a bit more exposed, but on the other hand easily can see your surroundings is also a good choice for typical days.

He has the habit of burrowing his hands and feet in the sand when settling down for going to sleeps. He's going in there often 1 - 2 hours before actually sleeping, watches us, then burrows hands and feet, stays awake for a bit and then sleeps.
There is a rounded stone under his head, this is why it looks so bulky :D Head is positioned on that, then beard extended a bit softly :D
Often I wish I could communicate with them to know why they do what they do.
That would be so cool.

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