Growth Chart

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Juvie Member
I love going through old posts and seeing all the babies grow but you can't go back and measure a picture so I've been keeping track of my first dragon's growth. I've seen several people (including myself) asking if their dragon is too small/big so I thought it would help to have multiple records in one place.

Felix --- Red Tiger Male
Hatched August 12, 2011

00 Months: 08/12/11 --- 3-4" ---
04 months: 12/11/11 --- 10" ---
04 months: 12/31/11 --- 11" ---
05 months: 01/25/12 --- 12" ---
06 months: 02/12/12 --- 13" ---
07 months: 03/17/12 --- 14" --- 129 g
07 months: 03/19/12 --- --- --- 135 g
08 months: 04/03/12 --- --- --- 148 g
08 months: 04/14/12 --- 15" --- 158 g
08 months: 04/28/12 --- --- --- 188 g
09 months: 05/10/12 --- --- --- 213 g
09 months: 05/16/12 --- 16" --- 248 g
09 months: 05/22/12 --- --- --- 263 g
10 months: 06/03/12 --- 17" --- 300 g
10 months: 06/20/12 --- 18" --- 296 g <-- today
Not sure when they stop growing, my bet when I got Felix was that he'd make it to 21" though

There's no consistency for when and how often I weighed/measured him but it's time I get this off the note cards and onto the computer so I thought I'd share it with whoever is interested! It'd be great if anyone else would be willing to share their growth records, I'll collect the ones I've found through google and post them here as well.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Can't seem to copy and paste tables so links will have to do:

5 Male and 5 Female charts from ages 6 weeks to 6 months ---
The adults sometimes reach up to almost 2ft in length, with the average being 18 - 20 inches. Hatchlings are approximately 3 to 4 inches in length (head to tail) and usually are be 5-6 inches at the end of the first month. By the end of a dragons second month, they usually are at least 6-7 inches in length with considerable more body weight. We have found that with proper care and a little luck, dragons will reach 9 inches within 2 months, with the average being 8 inches. From 2 - 6 months, we have found the average growth rate to be approximately 1/2 inch a week, with some weeks being 1 inch or more to 1/4 inch or less.

The wonderful beautiful dragon's website, one full chart and a few up to 6 months ---

Other threads that have covered the topic: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=101077


Sub-Adult Member
I have kept an extensive first year records on Emmalee, here is her growth chart.

Female Normal Phase - All Lengths Are From Nose Tip To Tail Tip (she has a full tail)

7 weeks – 9 grams 6 inches
8 weeks – 13 grams 6 ¼ inches
9 weeks – 14 grams 6 ½ inches
10 weeks – 15 grams 7 inches
11 weeks – 19 grams 7 ½ inches
12 weeks – 3 months 23 grams 8 inches
13 weeks – 31 grams 8 ½ inches
14 weeks – 40 grams 9 inches
15 weeks – 50 grams 9 ½ inches
16 weeks – 4 months 58 grams 10 inches
17 weeks – 64 grams 10 ½ inches
18 weeks – 76 grams 11 ¼ inches
19 weeks – 92 grams 11 ¾ inches
20 weeks – 5 months 115 grams 12 inches
21 weeks – 132 grams 13 inches
22 weeks – 159 grams 13 ½ inches
23 weeks – 171 grams 14 inches
24 weeks – 188 grams 14 ¼ inches
25 weeks – 211 grams 14 ¾ inches
26 weeks – 223 grams 15 inches
27 weeks – 227 grams 15 1/8 inches
28 weeks – 7 months 252 grams 15 1/8 inches
29 weeks 261 grams 15 1/8 inches
30 weeks 272 grams 15 ½ inches
31 weeks 293 grams 15 6/8 inches
32 weeks 299 grams 15 6/8 inches
33 weeks 316 grams 15 6/8 inches
34 weeks 8 months 327 grams 15 7/8 inches
35 weeks 331 grams 16 1/8 inches
36 weeks 341 grams, 16 2/8 inches
37 weeks 358 grams 16 3/8 inches
38 weeks 357 grams 16 3/8 inches
39 weeks 354 grams 16 3/8 inches
40 weeks 10 months 360 grams 16 3/8 inches

2 years 525 grams 17 6/8 inches
3 years fluctuating adult weight 520-535 g 18 1/4 inches from nose tip to tail tip and 8.5 inches from nose tip to vent.

Unfortunately Emmalee's growth records were not consistently noted after 40 weeks/10 months as she went into brumation. She was a very early brumater and had stopped growing during this time, and had lost a significant amount of weight.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I've found that my dragons have grown a bit during their second year, then stopped. The growth depended on genetics, which I have no idea, as they were all rescues or adopted. They vary so much in length & some don't have a complete tail, so I've taken to measuring them from snout to vent:

Rubio, 4 yrs old, 10 1/2", with tail (has a nip) 22" long; 786g, rescued at 3 mo old & was 24g

Didi, 6 yrs, 7.5" long, with tail 17" long, 430g, adopted at 4 yrs old

Leo, 5 yrs (approx) 7.5" long, with tail 18" long 532g, rescue, no idea how old he really is

Lonzo, 9 yrs old 8.5" long, with tail 16" long but is missing 4" of tail, adopted at 5 yrs old

Gabriel, approx 2 yrs old (I've had him 2 mo now, rescue); 7" long, with tail 17 1/2" long; 296g

It would have been nice to have had them from babies so could keep track of their growth & I did keep records of Rubio but have lost them in a move. But it does show how different they all can be.


Hatchling Member
June 20, 2012------6in-------10 grams
June 21, 2012------6 1/2-----11 grams

5/28/12 (7 weeks)-----------9.5----------31 grams
6/3/12 (2 months)-----------10.5---------39 grams
6/16/12 (10 weeks)----------11.5---------56 grams
6/21/12----------------------13------------76 grams


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks guys :D

Maybe it's just the "scientist" in me but it's so interesting to see how differently members of the same species develop. There's defiantly a genetic factor but when it comes to our dragons it's incredible how much we can alter their growth/health both before and after hatching.


Hatchling Member



Juvie Member
Here is Hugo's Growth Chart:

6 weeks: 22 grams 7 inches
2months: 25 grams 8.5 inches
3months: 119 grams 12 inches
4months: 239 grams 15 inches
5months: 314 grams 16.5 inches
6months: 392 grams 17 inches

During the second and third month was unbelievable. He seemed to be shedding constantly. He was eating massive amount of protein.
He has leveled off now, and is eating more greens than protein.
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