I love going through old posts and seeing all the babies grow but you can't go back and measure a picture so I've been keeping track of my first dragon's growth. I've seen several people (including myself) asking if their dragon is too small/big so I thought it would help to have multiple records in one place.
Felix --- Red Tiger Male
Hatched August 12, 2011
00 Months: 08/12/11 --- 3-4" ---
04 months: 12/11/11 --- 10" ---
04 months: 12/31/11 --- 11" ---
05 months: 01/25/12 --- 12" ---
06 months: 02/12/12 --- 13" ---
07 months: 03/17/12 --- 14" --- 129 g
07 months: 03/19/12 --- --- --- 135 g
08 months: 04/03/12 --- --- --- 148 g
08 months: 04/14/12 --- 15" --- 158 g
08 months: 04/28/12 --- --- --- 188 g
09 months: 05/10/12 --- --- --- 213 g
09 months: 05/16/12 --- 16" --- 248 g
09 months: 05/22/12 --- --- --- 263 g
10 months: 06/03/12 --- 17" --- 300 g
10 months: 06/20/12 --- 18" --- 296 g <-- today
Not sure when they stop growing, my bet when I got Felix was that he'd make it to 21" though
There's no consistency for when and how often I weighed/measured him but it's time I get this off the note cards and onto the computer so I thought I'd share it with whoever is interested! It'd be great if anyone else would be willing to share their growth records, I'll collect the ones I've found through google and post them here as well.
Felix --- Red Tiger Male
Hatched August 12, 2011
00 Months: 08/12/11 --- 3-4" ---
04 months: 12/11/11 --- 10" ---
04 months: 12/31/11 --- 11" ---
05 months: 01/25/12 --- 12" ---
06 months: 02/12/12 --- 13" ---
07 months: 03/17/12 --- 14" --- 129 g
07 months: 03/19/12 --- --- --- 135 g
08 months: 04/03/12 --- --- --- 148 g
08 months: 04/14/12 --- 15" --- 158 g
08 months: 04/28/12 --- --- --- 188 g
09 months: 05/10/12 --- --- --- 213 g
09 months: 05/16/12 --- 16" --- 248 g
09 months: 05/22/12 --- --- --- 263 g
10 months: 06/03/12 --- 17" --- 300 g
10 months: 06/20/12 --- 18" --- 296 g <-- today
Not sure when they stop growing, my bet when I got Felix was that he'd make it to 21" though
There's no consistency for when and how often I weighed/measured him but it's time I get this off the note cards and onto the computer so I thought I'd share it with whoever is interested! It'd be great if anyone else would be willing to share their growth records, I'll collect the ones I've found through google and post them here as well.