I have an adult Golden gecko that is about 4 years old. He was under a Reptiglo 5.0, then I found Zoo Med Naturesun, which he reallly loves, even though he's nocturnal. Now I'm not sure if he should be under that or back under Reptiglo 5.0. He has a great appetite, loves baby roaches, so I'm not having to deal with crickets anymore. He has a fig tree that I keep cut down and spray a few times a day for humidity & also a large water dish that I keep full, to add humidity, he's in a mesh tank so has a 45W black light on the opposite side of the Naturesun to add warmth, plus I keep the living room at least 72F at night & 75F during the day. He seems to enjoy the Naturesun, as a nocturnal gecko he doesn't really need daylight, but he enjoys it, so I've continued to use one.
Any info would be helpful, he was my husband's gecko, but my hubby passed away last summer & I've taken over his care. I also have 4 adult bearded dragons that I care for, but I know what lights they need. It's just Rocco that I'm not 100% sure.
Any info would be helpful, he was my husband's gecko, but my hubby passed away last summer & I've taken over his care. I also have 4 adult bearded dragons that I care for, but I know what lights they need. It's just Rocco that I'm not 100% sure.