Going Bioactive Best Leaf Litter To Use?


Hatchling Member
So I am going Bioactive Already have everything I need Apart from Isopods, Springtails, and Leaf Litter

So I am wondering do any of you know any type of leaf litter I can use that's non harmful and The Bugs will eat? (I'm guessing they'll eat any leaf)

Also if any of you know, do you know where to buy Isopods and Springtails I can not find a website in Australia that sells them. The traps I've put outside are just not working I know they're in my garden I've seen them but they seem too not go for my traps (The Springtails at least) I can catch Rollie Pollies but they're a bit too big and I'm afraid my Bearded Dragon would gobble them all up.

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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
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