Gogga is not looking well

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Sub-Adult Member
Hi...And don't forget to give her a 20 minute bath daily in warm water to her armpits.
Did you get the laying box set up? Make sure it is damp enough so a tunnel won't collapse. And check it (carefully) when you get home if you leave the house. Mine always laid theirs when I was gone!
Are you going to incubate the eggs?
Auto parts stores also have the digital thermometers with a probe at the end of a wire...usually about $12 (USA).
Is she eating really well? Are you dusting her food with calcium 5 times a week?
What kind of parasites does she have?
Get a can of 100% pumpkin (no spices) and give each of them a couple of teaspoons a couple times a week for a couple of weeks. It is full of fiber that will naturally flush worms out of them. It isn't as effective as dewormer but is safer right now and a lot easier on their belly.
Keep us informed
Good luck


Original Poster
I think she is looking better. We left the red lamp on in her cage last night, for some heat. This morning when I got to the cage she was sitting probed up on her front legs, looking better. But I can see she has lost a lot of weight. We have gaga grubs and meelworms as well as the crickets that we feed them and then there veggies. Will it be ok then if I give her more meelworms at this stage for some extra fat, seeing that she has lost a lot of weight. We asked the vet about the diet yesterday and she said the food that we are giving her should be ok. But I will make sure to give her lots of extra attention and special care with the feeding. I am just so glad she is looking better, was very worried about her. I will phone a pet shop owner this morning, he also breeds beardies and he has a lot of knowledge about them. Thanks for all the help and advice.


Extreme Poster
Wishing you well with your dragons.
Have you considered what you will do with the eggs once she lays?


Original Poster
Hi We have spoken to a pet store owner she also breads beardies. She said we can put the eggs in vermicilite in a plastic container with holes in and leave them in the cage. We just have to keep the vermicilite damp. We don't know because we never had baby's before. She looked fine this morning but dug a little hole this afternoon at about 4 then went to sleep with her stomach in the hole. She is still sleeping. Her daylight is on. It doesn't look as if is bothering her. Can we leave this on for the night? Her eyes is closed and she is sleeping.


Original Poster
Hi…. We have the laying box set up. I put it in the cage this morning, she was digging all over. Half desert sand half vermiculite. We will buy a digital thermometer. She is not eating at all. The male is not eating either. But we had the prob with the uv and I haven’t had the uv on since yesterday. Getting the new uv tomorrow. I had them in the sun this morning but Gogga just wanted to get out. So eventually I took her back to her cage. Can they bath every day, we have been told not more than once a week? We dust with every meal seeing that she is not eating well at this stage. Not sure about the type of parasites. Thanks for the advice I will have a look tomorrow for the pumpkin, when I go to get the uv bulb. Thanks for the advice. Duckie


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Duckie,

Yes, you can bathe them every day if you would like to. I hope you are able to get the new UVB light tomorrow, that would be great.
I hope that she starts eating soon. Please keep us posted on her.
That is fine to dust more frequently since she does not really eat much. Too bad she did not enjoy being outside for very long.



Sub-Adult Member
Hi...No, don't leave the day light on at night. They need darkness or will stress.
Did you syringe feed chicken and squash or green beans baby food yet? Put a pinch of calcium in the babyfood so they don't taste it.
Good luck


Original Poster
Hi there. I just want to let every one know , I think Gogga is in the process of laying her eggs. She has dug a hole in the lay box and is busy covering it up. We are so happy, she is going to be fine. Thanks for the advice... :D


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Great that Gogga is trying to lay her eggs now. Please keep us posted on her. She could still have some egg binding issues that could need to be addressed. Keep a close eye on her.



Original Poster
Hi there Just to keep you guys posted and to say thank you all so much for the help and advice. Gogga has laid her eggs on Theusday the 7th . There are 23 eggs and we are very excited. I must say the cage looked Iike a disaster area inside and we almost needed earth moving equipment to find the eggs. Thanks again Duckie, Family, Gogga & Bug
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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
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