Getting back into Beardies.

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Juvie Member
Hello all.

About a year and a half ago I had both my beardies pass away.
It was a very tragic accident. The window of their room was left open on a 115* day. That heat combined with the Mega UV lamps was just too much.

I have decided to get back into it. There is someone near my house who is trying to give away their beardie, but they want me to pay $300 for all the other stuff. Im trying to get her to give me just him and not all the stuff that I already have.
I may decide to take advantage of the beardie train in the SF bay area. There are soooo many down there its not even funny.

So have there been any huge changes in beardie care in the last year? Anything new I should know about? How about feeder insects? Last I checked those phoenix worms were the big thing.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Peter Griffin":8b557 said:

LOL :p

I did the roaches. My wife had issues with them. I may do it again though. I didnt have a good enough enclosure, they tended to escape. I still find them around my house to this day.


Extreme Poster
kenny_boy019":6d32c said:
I did the roaches. My wife had issues with them. I may do it again though. I didnt have a good enough enclosure, they tended to escape. I still find them around my house to this day.

(shivers).. blech!
At least you already have some to start a colony with, LOL

As for new things, I am not sure. The biggest thing we find (reading the boards) are problems with UVB lights. Get the right one to start with and save yourself some trouble. ;)

Thor's Mom

Sub-Adult Member
Don't know what kind of roaches you did. I had rusty reds that yes, escaped, :shock: I was not real happy. Try duiba's, they are initially more expensive to get going, but they are slow and VERY poor climbers I have not had one escape yet. :D Good Luck with your new beardy!!!!!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I have Megu UV lights, so Im good in the UV department.

The roaches I had were black black black. Not sure on the name now. I did silkies for a while but they proved too difficult at the time.

Peter Griffin

Juvie Member
I have Lobsters, in a glass aquarium with a 3 inch band of Vasoline at the top and a screen lid.. I have had them for a while and haven't had any escape. They actually don't even climb the glass, unless I shake them up real bad, but they are mainly content to hide in the egg crate.
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